So long story short, my iPod Touch got jacked while at a concert in November, and I haven't had the money to buy one. But I recently got some more, so I am HYPED to have my nightly moosik walks again. However, I'm not sure whether I want to buy the 5th Gen o just get another 4th Gen again? 4th Gen. is cheaper by far (and I am frugal as hell), but 5th one comes with a lot of stuff (noicer video quality & I can play TWEWY: Solo Remix on it). So I'm honestly not sure which to swing for, so pls halp. ;~;
plams let me help i have this sweet ass iPod Touch 2nd gen... We could something out...y'know..???
What are you, ancient? The Walkman is totally hip now, broham. But seriously, save up for the 5th gen if you really want it. TWEWY: Solo Remix doesn't really have a lot of extra perks (but those tracks <3) and I don't really use mine for video, but it's all up to you.
Personally, I would invest in the 5th gen. TWEWY: Solo Remix is quite amazing, and since it's playable on the 5th, plus the 5th has nicer quality, it seems more worth it :3
I would go for the 4th because I am CHEAP AS HELL. Actually I would go IPod classic because up to 160MB whop whop but anyway yeah in my opinion but the 5th wouldn't hurt investing in either and I recommend that for you (unless you're as cheap as I am) because you earn it out of hard work and I feel like it's better for you because you can go farther with it since it has better video quality and flippin' TWEWY whoo
If you're too much of a bitch to get a real music device like the above indicated, you should probably not be walking around at night anyway.
TWEWY solo remix is alright, but it has a monstrous file size which is almost not even worth it. (unless you are a die-hard which I'm not) Also, I don't know why you wouldn't be able to play it on the 4th, you should be able to update whichever OS it comes stocked with to whatever the most recent one is. If you are willing to jailbreak get whichever one has the better hardware, if you're not get whichever one has the better OS, unless you don't care about the OS, which in that case get whichever one is cheaper. I'm very picky about Apple's iOS. I don't care for most of them, I have 5.0.1 which is alright, but I really don't like the changes they have made so I refuse to update.
Walkman? That's too mainstream. Just get a record player and strap wheels on it. It depends on what you want. Are you looking for the better features? If so, then 5th gen would be the way to go. If you're just looking for a simple one, and don't want all the fancy features, then 4th should suffice.
The 5g upgrades are really nice. Its faster and the image quality is noticeably better. If you don't mind paying the price then its a good purchase. Plus all those colours you get to choose from! Mine is blue. <3