what are some good websites that teach basic japanese? i'm talking the language itself; romaji; hiragana; katakana; and kanji. halp plz
I still don't understand why people want to learn Japanese. Is it only because you like Japanese media things?
it's because one of my friends is learning it and is really good, and a while ago i lied and told him i knew it, but i don't. now i feel inferior and i wanna learn it. also yeah, i guess. i wanna go to japan sometimes, and plus, my dad thinks it's a good idea because japan is a really smart country that'll be a superpower eventually, if it isn't considered one already.
http://www.sljfaq.org/afaq/afaq.html http://www.textfugu.com/ http://www.alljapaneseallthetime.co...apanese-on-your-own-having-fun-and-to-fluency I swear I have more sites but I dunno what my favorites did with them >>; .
Dunno about websites, but the DS Learn Japanese game is actually really good for vocabulary and writing. I have it, it's wonderful. And the teacher is kind of amusing sometimes. Also, I would suggest getting a pocket dictionary, they're so freakin helpful. Make sure you practice every day. ^_^