Axis: Marvel Event

Discussion in 'Literature' started by Ghost, May 21, 2014.

  1. Ghost King's Apprentice

    Oct 5, 2012
    So after the Marvel summer event, Original Sin, is over we're getting another one for Fall called Axis. Yay!
    There really isn't a lot of news on it and barely any information except the name was given C2E2, but so far we know that it's going to involve The Avengers, The X-Men, and a whole lot of unspecified Marvel villains.

  2. 61 No. B

    Jul 23, 2011
    god can we go one week without some huge event please
    i thought i read or heard somewhere that one of the big two said that they would cut back on events? well they were clearly lying
  3. Ghost King's Apprentice

    Oct 5, 2012
    I don't even care about that anymore, I'm excited because the way that Original Sin is going I'm actually looking to see the aftermath of it in this next event. Hopefully, by it's description, the Avengers aren't gong to break up.
  4. Ghost King's Apprentice

    Oct 5, 2012
    Yay! We got news from the live chat today!

    "The March to Axis builds out of Uncanny Avengers, Captain America, Loki: Agent of Asgard and Magneto, two hero books and two 'villain' books. We've been planting seeds for the last couple years. A lot of the Apocalypse Twins' motivation comes from the 'Red Onslaught.'" - Rick Remender

    "There's going to be an extraordinarily large cast, particularly as Axis really gets underway. It will touch every corner of the Marvel Universe." - Tom Brevoort

    So far Nightcrawler and Magneto have pretty big roles. And there will be interactions between Deadpool, Carnage, Sabretooth, Titania and Absorbing Man.

    There are four artists on the series: Adam Kubert, Jim Cheung, Leinil Yu and Terry Dodson.

    "Adam Kubert is doing the first two issues, then Leinil Yu, then Terry Dodson, then eventually Jim Cheung, but I don't want to break it down beyond that." - Tom Brevoort

    Remender alao said the he's building a bigger role for Nova in the series (<---- That's pretty awesome). Havok and Scarlet Witch will also have big character changes by the time the event is over. And there are also going to be nine issues.

    If you wanna read the live chat there's a link here if it still pops up.

  5. waleed123 Moogle Assistant

    Oct 14, 2014
    So I gotta say, I did not cry once, not one bit, not until the epilogue when Tessa and Jem are talking Will and then I just started to bawl my eyes out and it was so sad and they just have so much love and auuuuuuuuugh. Will is my favorite. Always has been, always will be. Then Magnus, and followed by Isabelle. [[ sorry, not sorry. this shouldn't be a spoiler to anyone that has read the Infernal Devices and if you haven't read them, then you shouldn't be reading this final volume until you do because about 70% of the content in it relates to the prequels in some way, shape, or form. Doing you a favor right now. Stop reading until you've done that. ]]

    I feel very fulfilled and I can't say that about many book series endings. C.C. did a real number in the last two chapters to tie up loose ends. It feels even better to know that things are not really over. If you read the Shadowhunters official webpage [[ which I do a lot because I'm a nerd. hurk ]] then you know that along with our new characters Emma and Jules, C.C. mentions that we will see some familiar faces. There are two special someones that we will definitely be seeing.

    Most of what I have to say is pretty much about the ending. So, do not click the spoiler if you're not done reading. I really don't want to ruin everything for you.
  6. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    You got the wrong thread lol. This is for Marvel Comics' Axis Event, not City of Heavenly Fire (which was a great ****ing book, though).

    That said, on the topic at hand: I was really interested in Axis. Not so interested that I read any of the "Road to Axis" books beforehand (I stopped reading Magneto early on with the decision to read it by volume, not issue, to save a little bit of money and I just don't read any of the Avengers book), but I kept up with the info. That said, Axis #1 was...meh. I mean, the story itself was not bad. The art was pretty good (some panels were just bad, though). But...Remender annoys me as a writer. Look, I wasn't into the whole #fireremender thing over the supposed statutory rape thing (it wasn't that. It was just bad storytelling to not mention that the girl had aged in a different world to her twenties up until it was necessary so she can have sex with the Falcon), but Axis felt like he was trying to turn the Avengers' dialogue into the dialogue from the movie. I mean, seriously, really horrible stuff is happening that is literally changing the world for the worse in moments, and everyone is just tossing out witty one-liners? Okay, the one-liners are, for the most part, funny, but when everything said is pretty much a one-liner, the comedy wears off ESPECIALLY WHEN THE RED SKULL IS LITERALLY MAKING EVERYONE ON EARTH HATE EACH OTHER INSTANTLY WITH THE POWER OF PROFESSOR X! Not to mention the disregard for continuity in the other books; I understand that for events, exact continuity tends to get ignored for a more general history for the sake of plot, on, we're ignoring the last two years of Cyclops' MURDER OF XAVIER except for the costume change and the actual murder? We're ignoring the fact that the X-Men hate him and the Avengers are hunting him and that he's a wanted felon? Come on now, Remender, you're better than that.