Digital Art Avatars

Discussion in 'Arts & Graphics' started by The Joker, Aug 23, 2009.

  1. The Joker Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 17, 2008
    Mile high.
    They are not that good, might be considerd poor by some. I had some greater versions, but Gimp stopped workign and I had to reset my computer. I'll see if I can get more up later. No fancy effects on these, I've seen others without such and they got good enough critique. Practeced shading and lighting, had one with text but that was before the computer had to shut down.

    For now, thses are what I was able to make. Anyone have a link to a simple guide on layers? How to view them, use them, and such? I tried following some Gimp tuts, but began to get lost when it came to layering. If such a guide exist that is hopefully simple enough, will someone post a link? I believe I ahve tried the Gimp website and Gimp talk.

    Sorry for the quality, they might would of been easier to work with if it was not for this. I had a few of perhaps what could be called good quality, maybe they turned out better.


    Thanks for your tolerance.
  2. Hayabusa Venomous

    Feb 3, 2008
    Cisgender Male
    I actually like the Joker one and the Sephiroth one. For the Watchmen ones, cut down on the contrast. You want to make it subtle, not extreme. Too much saturation shows pixelations in the original image, such as in the first Rorshach one and Comedian's badge.

    Also, what help do you need with layers?
  3. The Joker Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 17, 2008
    Mile high.
    Thanks, I'll try that.

    On layering, I have seen diffrent tuts, but all involve layers. I can make it down to the step where it says to duplicate the layers and such, but when it says to make another layer go to the screen or to hide that layer, I get lost.

    With steps such as this, with a guide from this site:

    "6. Duplicate your render layer. Layer>Duplicate Layer) You should now have 2 render layers. Hide the top Layer, and take out your smudge tool. On the bottom render layer, go to Layer> Layer to Image Size. Then, with your smudge tool, smudge it a little bit to both sides, using a Grunge Brush. Set this Layer to Screen. Make the top Layer visible. Do this as many times as you see fit."

    I guess a easier way to put it is accessing old layers/accessing the newer ones again after a new layer has been put on/an old layer has been accessed.

    I think I once was trying to follow a tut on some other site, but it said something of setting layers on overlay. How do I do this on Gimp? Sorry if I should know this.
  4. Hayabusa Venomous

    Feb 3, 2008
    Cisgender Male
    I'm unfamiliar with Gimp's available utilities, but it means making a copy of your original layer, putting that copy above the original in the layers panel, smudging the top-most layer to the left and right with a grunge brush, setting it's layer mode to Screen (should be above layers panel, which may or may not be in Gimp), and then duplicating that layer as many times as you see fit so that the result looks best.
  5. Cia (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧*.✧

    Mar 16, 2007
    Hollow Bastion
    C: Smiley face is brilliant. I would wear that one. Not the rest though. Smiley needs to CnC, IMO.