Avatar: The Legend of the Seven Dragons

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Fayt-Harkwind, Jun 11, 2010.

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  1. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    Subtitled, The Secret of Orochi

    A sub-crossover with Okami as it uses it’s demons

    An ancient scroll states that when the Two Dragons clashed multiple forms of fire where seen. There have been few who could create these alternative fires and many remain forgotten. When an ancient Sun Warriors ruin’s markings are translated, it states a prophecy that seven powerful dragon gods will be reborn into this world when the sun meets with the mountain. The riddle baffled the current Fire Lord, Fire Lord Sozai and he sent the information to each of the highest royalty around the world.

    A few weeks later when the four great powers, the Fire Lord, the Earth King, the Selected Tribal Chief and the Selected Council Monk all meet for a global discussion they discuss the worlds situations and this prophecy. As the Avatar is still a toddler they would not be able to rely on his wisdom as of yet and soon realise that the mountain is the volcano in the Fire Nation’s capital. With the rest of the riddle becoming answered they uncover that the sun meeting the volcano in it’s alignment will be a month away. Taking no time to waste they begin attempting to block over the volcanoes open top with Earth Benders but the lava is too hot to keep the rocks from melting as they move, not even the Fire Lord could keep back the lava’s intensity.

    A month passed and on the day of the dragons prophesised arrival the Fire Nation prepared to defend themselves around the volcano. The moment the sun’s direct glow touched the volcanoes lava the heat became even more intense as the fire bubbles until the lava surface is covered in the sun’s glow. Once the glow covered the lava a rumble came from the ground as seven dragons burst through the fiery liquid and soared up to the sky masked in a coat of fire, each one of a different colour.

    The seven dragons landed before the Fire Lord and his army before telepathically communicating with them. The seven dragons told the present fire nation members that they are here as a sign that seven Fire Benders have been born with the powers of each dragon. Once the message was foretold the dragons’ flames faded and the now clearly spectral dragons faded too. Instantly, the Fire Lord commanded that these dragon god powered Fire Benders be found, as they may be a threat as a puppet of gods or heroes yet to be seen.

    The search begins.

    16 years later…

    The seven dragon powered Fire Benders have yet to be found officially and have become know as Dragon-Fire Benders. Although, secretly they have been kept hidden in society by they’re guardians and trained how to be a Fire Bender like everyone else but with the colour of they’re flames being so distinguishable they had trained in private, away from prying eyes.
    Meanwhile, the current Avatar had recently been told he was the Avatar and was on his way to master his second element having fully mastered the first one from they’re home nation.

    Although, no one could foresee the threat being brought onto this world. From the deepest region of the Spirit World an evil entity had awoken and was on the verge of entering our world while sending out it’s impish minions to prepare. The time will soon be at hand when Orochi, the eight headed serpent, would return to this world.


    The Avatar:
    The Avatar is an all powerful being reincarnated through history and is capable of using all four elements. The Avatar is also able to connect to the spirit world and is seen as a figure of great wisdom from being able to call upon past lives. The current Avatar only has mastered one element and will need to learn the other elements.

    The Seven Dragon-Fire Benders:
    The Dragon-Fire Benders are seven chosen individuals who have been gifted with the power of a ancient Sun Dragon God. Each dragon had a different coloured flame with different effects, two of which created common fire. Normal fire is Orange and Yellow combined but with less of each ones individual power.

    The Orange Fire is the Flames of Origin, it is a more powerful version of normal fire and is said to be the first form of fire.

    The Yellow Fire is the Flames of Breathing, without proper breathing a fire bender would have little to no power. The Yellow Fire is like normal fire but capable of becoming stronger with proper breathing techniques.

    The Blue Fire is the Flames of Intensity, as the fire is more intensely heated it is capable of concussive effects not seen in normal fire due to super heating the air around it as it strikes.

    The White Fire is the Flames of Combustion, similar to the normal fire ability of combustion except with a flame form instead of a stream of focused chi that explodes on impact. It travels in straight lines like light but with flames and is very explosive once the tip of the line hit’s a solid object.

    The Purple Fire is the Flames of Weakness, unlike normal fire bending the Purple Fire is stronger at night and on full moons, just like water bending.

    The Green Fire is the Flames of Energy, symbolising the heat and light of the sun that works with photosynthesis. This fire allows plant life to rapidly grow through photosynthesis effects and can even make plants suddenly burst into flames.

    The Red Fire is the Flames of Recreation, this is the most dangerous and mostly unstable of the seven types with it’s abilities being that of lava manipulation, a skill thought only the Avatar could posses but on a lesser scale.

    The seven Dragon-Fire Benders

    Pure Yellow Flames:
    Pure Orange Flames:
    Blue Flames:
    White Flames:
    Purple Flames:
    Green Flames:
    Red Flames:

    Avatar: Kilik (Fayt-Harkwind)

    Fire Lord Sozai (Fayt-Harkwind)




    1. Follow the rules of site and section.
    2. If you post out of the Avatar universe I will ask you to edit your post, if you post out of the universe to greatly I will remove you from the RP and write off your characters.
    3. No god modding or power playing, especially with these powers.
    4. Do not suddenly change times of day or time skip without my permission otherwise I will remove you from the RP instantly. (The moon will drop on you or the sun will burn you to a crisp)
    5. 3 characters max, 2 Benders max, 1 Dragon-Fire Bender max.
    6. Appearances must be in links and must work with the Avatar universe types of appearances if you use an image. It may be better to just write your appearance.
    7. Not everyone can use the special skills like Metal Bending, Healing, Lightning, etc. There will be a limit to who can use it and you may learn it in the RP itself within time with my permission.
    8. I’ll be the Avatar for plot reasons and to prevent god modding and enforce rule breaking in character.
    9. If you choose a dragon-fire bender then put “Dragon-Fire (*colour*)†in the bending option of the OC Form.

    OC Form:

    Nation: (Water, Earth, Fire or Air)
    Bending: (Water, Earth, Fire, Air or none)
    Bending specialty/additional techniques: (A special form of bending or skill or none if you’re character’s a regular Bender)
    Weapons: (3 max) (Must work with bending/nation and cannot be used to make things like flaming swords, they are only an extension of the body if used for bending)
    History: (nothing short, has to work within the Avatar universe)


    Username: Fayt-Harkwind
    Name: Avatar Kilik
    Age: 16
    Nation: Water
    Bending: Water (will gain others later)
    Bending specialty/additional techniques: Avatar abilities.
    Weapons: A container for water on a sling around the hip, a water tribe machete.
    History: He was born and raised in the Northern Water Tribe where he was one of the poorest families. He had lived his life being taught how to fight with a weapon by his father who was a water tribe warrior and how to waterbend by the resident waterbending teacher with all the other students. He was discovered to be the Avatar at a young age but the government decided they must be wrong as someone so poor couldn’t possibly be the Avatar until he proved it with his rapidly increasing talent with water bending. At the age of 16 he was informed that he was the Avatar and left to train in the Earth Kingdom to learn Earth Bending.
    Other: Order to learn bending Water - Earth - Fire - Air

    Username: Fayt-Harkwind
    Name: Fire Lord Sozai
    Age: 38
    Nation: Fire
    Bending: Fire
    Bending specialty/additional techniques: Lightning
    Weapons: None.
    History: The current firelord. He is noted to be one of the nicest men you could ever meet and also one of the most fearsome. Every few years he holds a firebending contest for the amusement of others and enters himself to which he usually ranks in the top 5, clearly holding back but still unleashing enough of his abilities to make an impression. Currently, he is trying to find the Dragon-Fire Benders and has sent soldiers all over the Fire Nation to find them.
    Other: n/a
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