Mike Myers has signed on for Austin Powers 4. I once heard that they wanted to do as many Austin Powers films as there are James Bond movies... Source HitFix
To be honest, I am honestly not looking forward to this too much. I mean, I like the Austin Powers movies, but this is a bit much imo. Of course, this all depends really on whether the plot is good or not.
I've been waiting for this day for so long...This is great news. My brother and I are huge Austin Powers fans. Hopefully the main original cast returns and that Dr. Evil is actually good this time around instead of retconning everything.
hmm... I thought there would've been tons by now, Myers is a funny guy, he could come up with countless routines and characters... so this is surprising to me that they are finally thinking on coming out with a 4th one.
Yeah, I'm the same way. However, there are some movies that I know will be excellent before watching, too.
Well usually you can tell if a movie series, such as a trilogy, will be well received if they come out within a certain amount of time... (i.e. Lord of the Rings) But if for any reason, a movie is delayed, or whatever, it will slowly lose its shine in people's interests. We live in a modern world full of entertainment, if you don't get what you're looking for, you just move on. So this may be the same story for the 4th Austin Powers movie...