I hear this at least a dozen times on the Jeremy Kyle show (I watch while at the gym, awright. xD). I couldn't help but wonder is it a phrase English folk use a lot or just the type of folk that go on that show?
Never heard it before D: You do realise that he recruits for his show by riding around outside Lidl in an ice cream truck with bottles of Wkd and chicken nuggets? He then catches them all in a big net when they come running. MUAHAHAHAHAHA!
I use that phrase a lot >> It is used a lot by the majority of people I know, so I assume it must be an English thing.
Lol actually now that I've heard it I do recognise it. Although, I am pretty sure it mostly an English thing =/
I will sleep easy now. xD Next time i'm at the gym i'll tally the number of times it's spoken. xD On the note of Jeremy Kyle. This guy is so weird n' a complete tawt.
Ive heard it a lot, but I dont say it myself. xD It just seems like something a wise person would say, and thats really not me xD