For those who don't know, an astral projection is an interpretation of out-of-body experience (OBE) that assumes the existence of an "astral body" separate from the physical body and capable of traveling outside it. Astral projection or travel denotes the astral body leaving the physical body to travel in the astral plane. Link for wiki page Personally, I am undecided when it comes to this. I have never experienced an out of body experience, other than in dreams. Whether or not it is actually something that can happen, I can't say for sure. Many people say they have had an astral experience, but until I have one myself, I won't say it may or may not be true.
I've actually always wanted to have an OBE, just to know what it feels like, but these things always feel like they're kinda impossible, like when a person has said they've had one, I feel it's hard to believe them. As Norz said, I won't write it in stone until I've experienced it myself, although things like this have always interested me. Also, I immediately thought of Ino Yamanaka from Naruto.
Recalling, an earliest post of mine here was of astral projection. I once was very into these sorts of things, a couple of years ago, purchasing books on APing. Robert Bruce's Astral Dynamics I used as a general guideline on how-to. But I not once achieved it, despite my attempts. A part of the problem is that I couldn't muster up the motivation required of me, if you've no experience it of course requires of you more effort. Meditating daily was recommended. So much work. How comical, work, like laying in a comfy position with eyes shut. Back and bonebreaking work. It is not particularly strenuous work in the least, though I won't deny that it can be time-consuming and with no results, aspiring impatience. Not quite motivated I never breached past the vibrational stage but, I've still an interest in it. It is not as if I actively believe in it, in fact I would say that I don't believe in it, but I don't actively disbelieve. Not believing is not disbelieving; disbelievers are nonbelievers but a nonbeliever is not necessarily a disbeliever. Curiosity propels me forward. I don't know if it's real, so I naturally want to taste it. Test it. Taste test it. So altogether, I have never experienced it. I don't know if or if not it is real. If it is real, I would want to jump in and experience it firsthand; a waste of precious time, the disbeliever might think. I could be aiming for something unreal for an unspecified amount of time... Well, what have I to lose... If you are into these sorts of things, here is a resource: I'll get back to you if ever I experience it.