Ask me about my MC (and Antagonist)

Discussion in 'Workshops & Recreation' started by Lauriam, Jun 5, 2018.

  1. Lauriam I hope I didn't keep you waiting...

    Jun 4, 2009
    Nonbinary she/he/it?
    Following this new fun trend even though I don't roleplay and haven't had much of a chance at D&D, I'll be fielding Green questions for the Protagonist of my WIP, and Red questions for my Antagonist, answering them in character. XD

    And... go!
  2. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    1. Describe yourself in three adjectives.
    2. Mountains or plains?
    3. Ocean or desert?
    4. You have to choose to save the king of the country at the cost of an entire village. While obviously the king is one of political importance, the village is a major economic zone. Do you save the king, or the village?
  3. GarrettFinch Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 19, 2014
    1. What is your name(s)?
    2. What is/are your goals?
    3. What weapon would you use in battle?
  4. Lauriam I hope I didn't keep you waiting...

    Jun 4, 2009
    Nonbinary she/he/it?
    "I would claim to be compassionate, brave, and intelligent - although my sister is apt to favor words such as 'gullible,' 'reckless,' and 'arrogant.'"

    "I am powerful, I am purposeful, I am passionate."

    "Well, I grew up in the plains, but I've always loved the view of the mountains on the horizon. I would love to explore them someday, but I think I'll always love the wide, open lands of the plains. There, you're free."

    "Really, I prefer forests above all else, but mountains take a second. From the highest of mountains, you can see the world itself at your feet."

    "Well, I'm not sure what a desert is... I don't think we have any on our island. But the ocean is a terrible force of nature, that destroys all in its' path, raging and merciless in its' cold fury. Those who climb down the cliffs and venture into the wildlands during low tide do so only out of desperation - everyone in the known world fears the ocean, though I often find myself wondering, if there are other islands out there, and other nations of people, and the terror of the waves is all that has kept us apart."

    "I agree with this. The ocean is a force even the Spirit of Magic cannot easily control, and it is folly to even attempt to tame it."

    "I would try to save both... The king has always been kind to me; he took in my sister and I when our father died, and has always treated us well, giving us everything we ever needed. But I would not be able to turn my back on the people, no matter who was at risk. One life is never more important than the lives of several, especially if we are entrusted with their care, as a sovereign and even as only a sovereign's ward."

    "I would look at the situation with an objective eye, and whichever is more important to my goals, I would save. However, going by no more information than this, I would say I would save the village. A sovereign must be prepared to die for his people - if he does not do so willingly, I shall readily help him along."

    "My name is Doranian, pleased to make your acquaintance."

    "My name is my own - I am called Ayara."

    "Goals? Well, right now I'm studying architecture, philosophy and the sciences as an apprentice under my master, a great man of learning employed by the king. I suppose, one day I wish to take my master's place when he retires, and spend my life learning and teaching others to love it as much as I, but beyond that, I have not spared much thought."

    "My goals are far-reaching and extensive, but I suppose, if I were to try and simplify it down to one answer, my foremost goal is to break the bonds of oppression long bestowed on the weak and the different, and make the powerful pay for the atrocities they have allowed to happen - and even caused - until justice has been served to all."

    "Although I've never been as strong a duelist as the two princes or my sister, all of whom still tease me for it, I do have some experience with a sword, as well as daggers, bows, and spears. Growing up in the royal family, I was taught all forms of combat, though I do not enjoy it and only practice for defense."

    "I have no need for weapons, though I do know how to use a dagger. I am a high sorceress, I pray to the Spirit of Magic and it bends to my will; it is a force strong enough to match the sharpest of swords and the strongest of shields."
  5. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    1. What is your favorite animal?
    2. What is your favorite food?
    3. What is your favorite color?
    4. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
    5. What is/was your favorite aspect about your mother? Your father?
    6. What is something you could never live without?
    7. Wealth, Glory, or Passion?
  6. Lauriam I hope I didn't keep you waiting...

    Jun 4, 2009
    Nonbinary she/he/it?
    "Mm, likely dogs. We keep hunting dogs at the castle and I've always enjoyed them. I don't spend much time with animals, however."

    "I have a hawk I'm very fond of, and I like to believe she likes me too. I found her when she was still young and raised her. She delivers messages for me and I use magic to see through her eyes when I need to. I'm also partial to dogs and wolves, and I have a fondness for animals in general, but none are as important to me as my hawk."

    (omg thank you for this question cstar I never would have thought Ayara was an animal lover with a hawk but THEN THIS HAPPENED!) XD
    "I've always been partial to fresh fruit myself. Especially strawberries."

    "Lamb, I would say."

    (omg why was this one so hard.) XD
    "Blue, I suppose. I've always been partial to it."

    "Green, and clear, pale blue - like the grass and trees, overlooking a mountain spring."
    "I haven't given a great deal of thought to the future, in all honesty. I don't envision it to be much different than my life now. I love my city, my kingdom... I could never imagine being somewhere else. And as for what I do, what I become... Well, my path has been set for quite some time. I am an architect, I've studied under my master for years, and one day hope to train my own apprentices. There! That, I shall give as my answer. In five years, I would like to see myself teaching my craft to another who enjoys it as much as I."

    "I will have brought about a change to the world, I will have brought my people out of hiding, I will have started a new age; and I will be the new god."

    "My mother, she was... Gentle. Caring. She was always there when I, or, my sister, needed her. She laughed often, over all sorts of things... Nobility didn't suit her, I think. The rules, the expectations, the way the other women in our home village treated her before we moved to the castle after my father died. And after that, it all seemed to affect her even more. After that, she laughed a little less... I would say, my favorite thing about her were her eyes. That's what I remember most fondly about my mother. Her eyes, always sparkling with joy or mischief, or full of love for those around her. Even when they were full of tears, there was always hope there. As for my father, I remember most his strength. He was a strong man, proud, and full of spirit. Young, as well, compared to the other fathers we knew. He was the lord in our village, and ran it well, and he died a hero, fighting a dragon in the countryside near the village. I am not like my father; I'm not a ruler, a fighter... But I hope, should the need ever arise, that I will find I can be as brave."

    "I do not know my parents. I only have... vague memories, barely even images, from when I was very small. But, when it was discovered I possessed magic, I was... abandoned, like many of my kind were. I do not know my parents... But if I ever find them, I will kill them without a moments' hesitation."
    "My sister, is one. She is very important to me and if I ever were to lose her, I'm not sure how I could manage. And my two friends, the princes, they are like brothers to me. They have always been kind to me, taking to me when we moved to the capital and doing everything they could to help us get used to life there - even if it meant getting us into all sorts of trouble, sneaking into the kitchens to steal sweets or setting the hunting dogs loose in the throne room - which was not our intent, I hold to this day, haha. And the memory and reputation of my father and mother, my responsibility to honor them by living a life worthy of their son. So, really, what I could never live without? My family."

    "The Spirit of Magic, the entity that not only gives these wondrous gifts to me and my people, but who breathes magic into the very world. I have been in tune with the Spirit of Magic all my life and to lose it would be to lose my very self."
    "Passion. Wealth is indeed very handy, haha, but I do not seek it like some others do. And glory is best suited for those who seek it in battle. But passion, that is what drives all things; passion gives us something to believe in, something to strive for. I don't know what my passion is yet... But I know it will find me someday, and then... perhaps purpose will not be far behind."

    "Passion, of course. The world is full of people willing to die, willing to kill, in the name of wealth and glory. Enough! The love of cold coin and adoration has been a blight on this island for far too long and if they think their gold and recognition will be a match for my passion, they are sorely mistaken, and will fall all the harder when their fickle idols stand by and do nothing to help them."
  7. Heart ❤ Enjoy every moment with all ya got

    Mar 2, 2009
    1. Tell me the 3 best things about you.
    2. What’s one choice you really regret?
    3. Who is your favorite person in the world?
    4. What is the best piece of advice you’ve received?
    5. Do you think there's an afterlife? What do you think it's like?
  8. Lauriam I hope I didn't keep you waiting...

    Jun 4, 2009
    Nonbinary she/he/it?
    "I'd likely say that my three best qualities... Are first, my determination, second, my intelligence - and yes, I know how arrogant that makes me sound, heh. And third, my compassion."

    "As for me, I would list first my strength, second my heart, third my cunning."
    "I wish I had spent more time with my father. I was sixteen when he died, and I'd always thought I would have more time later, time that never came."

    "I tend not to dwell on regret. Regret, as well as guilt, grief, and shame, are weaknesses that cause mistakes and lay snares in my path. That said... I do wish sometimes that my chosen path had led somewhere else... But the burden I have chosen is one that must be borne, and I am the only one who can bear it. I will do so gladly for the people I can help with it."
    "My sister, most definitely. She is strong, brave, intelligent, beautiful. At times perhaps too direct, and very stubborn: she and the Queen are often at odds. But she is also kind and loyal. I could not have asked for a better sister."

    "A very old friend. We grew up together, played together... Hid together. I always cared for him, helped him, as best I could. Our paths diverged a long time ago, but even over long distances, the Spirit of Magic keeps us close. Everything I do, I do for him, and for all those like him, unable to protect themselves and calling for a savior."
    "My master, he's learned in all fields of study and is regarded as a great philosopher. He once told me never to accept a statement given without reason, nor to believe a word presented without fact."

    "I cannot pick one single remark, actually, but I will instead mention my teacher as the source of all advice I have ever found helpful. He trained me in the use of my magic, and helped me to learn my place in the world, and now he's my most trusted adviser. He hasn't let me down yet."
    "My people don't believe in an afterlife, really. Though we do believe that after death, your spirit becomes one with the Spirit of Magic. You lose all sense of self, you lose your memories, you merely... become a part of the world. And if you lived a good life, the Spirit of Magic becomes happier, and pours that positivity back into the world. While when a wicked one dies, the Spirit of Magic grows troubled and volatile, and life gets much harder. Famine, earthquakes, plague, and wars, those are all signs that there are too many wicked contaminating the Spirit of Magic... That is, that's what most of my people believe. I'm not actually sure what I believe, myself. Perhaps there is an afterlife... Or perhaps we all become one with magic."

    "I have traveled all over our little world, and have studied many different cultures and religions, and I have not yet found one I find more or less believable than the others regarding what happens to our souls when we die. Some believe, like Doranian says, that the souls of the dead join with the Spirit of Magic, but I've never felt anything to support this belief. Others believe the dead become part of the ocean, still others think their loved ones are merely reborn into the world as their own descendants. For my part... I have no answer as to what will happen to me when I die. All I know is what sort of world I intend to leave behind when it happens. That's what matters to me."