Yea so who else besides me watched Arrow 2012 and enjoyed it? I thought the pilot was really good! Any thoughts?
It wasn't that good. There was practically no reason for anything to happen in the show. Where did our main character learn to fight like that? He was shipwrecked for five years. He wouldn't have time to train, especially with no teacher, because he'd be busy trying to survive. Where did he learn to use a bow so well? Again, no reason. There's a few other plotholes to rip apart but those are forgivable because not everything can be answered in the first episode. >>
Overall I thought it was a pretty good start to the series. I usually like shows that leave you wanting more and I liked how they ended the episode. Things I'm a bit picky with is maybe the dialogue, and some of the plot, but that's just me being picky. I like Green Arrow, but as a side character and not holding the spotlight for long.
They're gonna make speedy a girl. Don't like that much, but I think I was more disappointed that Queen didn't have a beard doubling as a lethal weapon. Also that he has a hood instead of a hat, although I get what they're doing and it's pretty good. The whole green face paint thing was weird though..not sure what we're accomplishing here, "GREAT SCOTT, Oliver Queen's wears nowhere near that level of eyeliner so this can't be him!" Anyways, I feel like I could get into watching it, may get better over time.
I'll see it this weekend, but as I've said before, I definitely see it as more of a show about the character inspired by the comics, but not based on them. Way too many changes, some of them so unnecessary that I just don't see it a show based on Green Arrow. Though I think the new comics took a cue from the show. Merlyn has been Green Arrow's arch nemesis, an archer with a black color scheme. In the show, there's Tommy Merlyn, Ollie's best friend. In his rebooted origin that was revealed last month, Oliver's best friend is Tommy Merlyn and he seems to be being built up to be a villain. Speedy is a girl. Well, kind of. The first Speedy, Roy Harper, was a boy. Grew up to be a heroin addict and government agent that went by Arsenal after he started using guns, too. Then he had lots of sex with Cheshire and had a kid. Then he went by Red Arrow. Then his kid and hometown got blown up. Then more drugs. Then more sex, though he couldn't get it up (I LOVE THAT SCENE). Even lost an arm. However, post-reboot, he's an alcoholic, not a heroin addict (and Killer Croc is his sponsor, wtf) and he never went by Red Arrow, he's just Arsenal. Pre-Reboot, Mia Dearden, a former HIV-positive prostitute, replaced him as Speedy. If you see Season 9 of Smallville, there's two or three episodes that she's in and oh my god, her actress is so goddamn sexy.
Heh you guys are hilarious. =) I was expecting the show to be like another smallvile and was very happy that it turned out better then most super hero shows. I know it's just the first episode and all but that's the fun part of watching the show develop into something more and more interesting. Even I didn't think it would be completely like the green arrow comics. I just thought for a superhero drama show on tv its doing ok so far. You have to agree that there could have been many ways to mess the first episode up.