yo. what. that was. i don't. i can't. aaaah. oh man that was so dark. and awesome. and sad. and oh man slade. did not see that coming. i mean i totally saw it coming like ten episodes ago but i didn't see it coming this week. is it next wednesday yet
I'm watching it right now though Google spoiled something for me B | Btw, today's Batman Eternal debuts Stephanie Brown.
ugh that sucks. I've been spoiled a couple times by Google as well but thank goodness I wasn't for this episode. Though I would think even knowing wouldn't lessen the emotional impact of stuff. I WANT IT. Yeah money has been super tight lately so I haven't been able to buy any comics except the last few issues of Hacktivist. I was going to pick up Eternal for that very reason but I guess I'll get it when I start catching up with the others I was buying.