Not a real pirate! An interweb pirate. Apart from the normal (daily) music and video downloads, do you download anything else that is considered pirated? I used to be one big pirate a few years ago. But now not so much, apart from a few software and games. Are you a pirate? Are you with or against internet piracy?
I don't care for any of that. I'm surprised someone would ask such a thing anyway. *shruggs* I have nothing to hide though.
i download music and music videos but i also love buyin CDs because i love havin them but yeah if its a couple of songs or i cant afford the CDs then i am
Yeah it is. Any program you got for free which supposed to be worth something, is called pirating. But it's not like you're the only one who does it. Eh, I download music and movies using torrent programs.
I ain't going to tell you if I have done anything illegal, especcially over the internet. If you must know I.. *shot* MISTY! Spoiler
Pretty much music, I think a couple of games outside of ROMs, and a few programs, nothing noteworthy. I used to burn CDs but it was so solely for myself, except for a short period of time where I sold them. I used to buy bootleg movies like crazy tho. I work weekends so if I miss a movie and don't want to wait for it to come to DVD, I'd let someone know, give him a day or two, and pirated films came my way. But we both stopped that for our own reasons
Yo-ho, jolly rodger- ...I mean, er, *shot* Photoshop & limewire are my downloads. Music, Videos and not much else. Am I illegal? I'll go quietly...
lol i totally am... and in addition to my internet pirating i also pillage and plunder the library's source of anime XD i have too many programs on my computer that can burn and copy it despite their attempts to stop me! hahaha!! XD
The one free program I have is Vegas 6, from my friend. I'm just not gonna ask where he got it. :D ;)