[video=youtube;4EjljIafvT4]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4EjljIafvT4[/video] PUT YA GUNZ ON, FOR TEN MINUTES.a
I always wonder how many people who've watched the anime have actually played any of the games. It always makes me laugh when the doors open in Masamune's level in Samurai Heroes and "PUT YA GUNS ON" pops up on screen. Also, Motochika is Sparda.
Just because you're now a limbless, venomous snake doesn't mean you can exclude yourself. PUT YA GUNZ ON!
I've played a few of the games. I always like my fighting games. Too bad my PS2 doesn't work well with my present tv. Otherwise I would be nostalgia'ing like crazy right now. Also, when I see Vergil surfing on a rocket powered anchor, then he will be Motochika.
Dante's surfed on a rocket and the Sparda sword works in a similar way to Motochika's anchor weapon, does that count? Virgil could probably do it too. Also, purple colour scheme, eye patch over the left eye and grey hair slicked back = Sparda's human appearance. They're all made by Capcom and this is in the feudal era so :lolface:
I haven't gotten to play 1 or 2 unfortunately. But in 3, Masamune's Engrish is hilarious. "GO. TO. HELL. OK?"