I was walking home with my head phones on loud. "Ow!" I walked into something I backed up and saw...it was a boy abit older then me. I toke(sp?) off my head phones "Sorry I-" "No I'm sorry I wasn't looking where I was going" I stared at him he looked like me in a way the only thing different was our eyes. "Um Hi my name is Izzie and you are?" he looked at me weirdly "Sora" I nodded. "Well I've gotta go bye Sora" I turned around and took the long way home. "Bye" he soon turned around too leave. "I swear I've seen him in one of my pictures" I looked through all my pictures and found it. I turned it around and read the back "To my favorite cousin in the whole world" the picutre was of a six and eight year old. "Are we realated?"