Are there any "fly" Nintendo DS video games currently available in the US?

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by DrMario64, Sep 3, 2007.

  1. DrMario64 Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 25, 2007
    Hey "home flies",

    I recently purchased a Nintendo DS (I believe that is slang for Double Screens?), as I am trying to be "cool" and update like all the youngsters in my area.

    I am looking for some games that are very fun and exciting; "gangsta" and "funky fresh" as you kids often like to call it. I am hoping for a game with "street cred" and a game that will "bring it to the bank". I am interested in anything, especially games that can be played over the internet and can help me use "mad gats" to assault a variety of virtual enemies.

    I currently own these video gaming cards:

    - Pokemon Diamond (the "happening" children in my neighbor hood said that I must be "hustlin' rocks"... therefore I "hustled" Diamond for thirty five dollars at Costco)

    - Metroid Prime Hunters (This has the internet features that I quite enjoy, and seems to be popular with the "cool crowd".)

    - New Super Mario Bros (This reminds me of a game that I used to play, and the new idea gives it a "groovy and hip" feel to it)

    - Mario Kart DS (I enjoy racing, and this seems to be how the kids do it)

    - Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrows (This seemed to fit in with the emotional music that many children were listening to, and was just as fun as listening to an album by popular music group My Chemical Loving)

    - Animal Crossing: Wild World (The "wild" aspect of this game is pefect for portraying my longing to engage in a wild party with other people that share equal values in being current and up to date with today's youth)

    This should be adequate information for everyone to help suggest me a video gaming card for me to purchase when I get back from the office tomorrow.

    Thank you very much,
    Peter J. Morgan
  2. SplitOverload Chaser

    Sep 30, 2006
    New York, NY
    d000d. I don't know which "block" you live in, but it sure is pathetic.

    Go get some decent games from your own opinion, not from the "cool crowd" as you say.