Ar Tonelico: Melody of Pastalia

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Melody_of_Elemia, Dec 6, 2008.

  1. Melody_of_Elemia Merlin's Housekeeper

    Nov 23, 2008
    Cresent Chronicel with Misha and Aurica
    Ar Tonelico: Melody of Pastalia

    This is a story about a girl named Sakura has been kept away from the world of Ar Tonelico to craft song magic to protect knights of different kinds. When Sakura was taken from her family at the age of 13, Her oldest and dearest friend, Akihiro, went on a long quest to find her.
    Now, Sakura is 16 still held captive by a cold hearted reyvateil named Chi. Will Akihiro find Sakura before its to late? or will he give up and never see her again.

    Chapter One.

    Two years...Its been so long that Sakura hasn't felt the bright hot sun on her skin. All she can feel is nothing. Not the grass. The wind. All she wants is to be free, free to do anything. But she can do is stay in her cold dusty cellar and craft songs and grathmeld new sets of amor for her master Chi.
    Sakura heard Chi walking the the step which lead to her cellar. Sakura wasn't done the new set of amor for her. Now Chi will be disappointed.
    "Oh Sakura...Are you done that new set of armor yet?" said Chi as she walk in. Sakura look at the piece of armor and then looked back a Chi. She had her normal facail expression.
    "Well anwser the question..Are you done grathmelding my new piece of armor yet?"
    "No not yet. I still need more time." Sakura said quietly. Chi looked at her angrly.
    "I thought I told you I needed that piece of armor done by today." Sakura did know that she need the armor done by today but she didn't have a lot of time to work on it.
    "Yes but-"
    "Ah no excuses..I'll be back later and that armor better be done by the time I get here. Got it?" Sakura look up at Chi and said
    Chi slamed the door shut and locked it. Tears began to fall down on Sakura's face. She lead agaist the wall a then saw a small hole in the wall. Sakura stood up and walked toward A little hole in the wall big enough gor her to see throught it. As Sakura looked throught, Her eyes were amazed. She the bright blue sky,the tall green grass, and child playing their games. it was the most beautiful she had ever seen ever even though she's seen it before. As she looked around, she kept thinking of her dearest friend Akihiro. She kept thinking of all the things they did together and how the first met which went alittle somthing like this.
    Sakura was only 6 years old and was playing with her favourite dolls. As she was playing, Akihiro was watching her. Hearing her laughter and her singing voice. Then tow large boy came up to her. She looked up at them and seemed like giants to her. They grab her dolls and started tearing them apart, laughing as the they were ripping her dolls. Akihiro ran out to the boy and said
    "Leave her alone. She didn't do anything to you." They boys looked at him and began to laught again but this time even louder than before.
    "And if you don't leave her, I send my gaurds after you cause. ou guys obviously know how I am right."
    They stopped laughing and began thinking. Akihiro was the son of one the greatest knights of Pastalia. His father died in battle against viruses but was teamed with his beautiful wife who was a reyvateil. His mother lived but his father didn't.
    "Oh we better get out of here." One of they boys said and ran of screaming.

  2. Birth By Sleep 13 Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 21, 2008
    Somewhere on this planet
  3. Melody_of_Elemia Merlin's Housekeeper

    Nov 23, 2008
    Cresent Chronicel with Misha and Aurica
    Thanks Misha..This chapter isn't finished yet but I'm most done writing down on paper.
  4. Birth By Sleep 13 Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 21, 2008
    Somewhere on this planet
    Even if its not done Shurelia..Its still a good story.
  5. Melody_of_Elemia Merlin's Housekeeper

    Nov 23, 2008
    Cresent Chronicel with Misha and Aurica
    Ok well here's the half of the Chapter

    As the boys ran off Akihiro walk to Sakura and asked
    "Are you ok?"
    Sakura looked up at Akihiro. She still had tears running down her face so she wiped them so she wouldn't feel embrassed.
    "Yea but my dolls. Who will fix them?"
    Akihiro felt bad for Sakura so he wanted to be nice and told her he'll fix up her ripped up dolls. A happy appeared on Sakura's and she gave Akihiro a hug.
    "Umm excuse me." He said softy.
    "Oh sorry. I'm Sakura. What's your name?
    "Akihiro. . If you don't mind I have to go back home.Maybe we can play tomorrow if you busy.
    Sakura and Akihiro became the best of friends after than and which Sakura treasures the most.
    Sakura walk off and went back grathmelding. She began sing to herself about how she wishes to be free like the other reyvateil around Ar Tonelico.