AR Cards available at Club Nintendo UK

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Krowley, Aug 23, 2012.

  1. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008
    Yesterday an announcement was made the the UK Club Nintendo site would be putting up an AR card set that would come with 3 rare Dream Eaters. This was to make up the fact that Earopean copies of Dream, Drop, Distance only came with two cards instead of the North American three. This 3 card set is being sold starting today (August 23rd 2012) for the price of 200 stars. (Currency on the Club Nintendo site)

    "Add to your KINGDOM HEARTS 3D [Dream Drop Distance] experience with these AR Cards. Each pack contains three cards which can be used to recruit rare Spirits to your party, to fight alongside you in the game!"
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Krowley, Aug 23, 2012.

    1. 61
      god i want a 3ds
    2. Mixt
      For those that want to know (assuming the advertised image is the actual cards and not just generic), the Spirits are Frootz Cat, R & R Seal, and Kab Kannon.
    3. R0xAzz12342
      Ive just ordered! Thanks for telling me about this other wise I wouldnt of gone on there. I have a account I just didnt think I would ever need to go on there XD
    4. Nate_River
      Just letting people know, but the images are on Google, so if you don't have the stars, it works the same off the computer screen.
    5. Karuta
      I have 1200 stars o.o
      haven't been on club nintendo in years.
    6. R0xAzz12342
      Oh well. I ordered them already. But I guess its kind of collecters stuff if you get it your self :D
    7. monstro567
      :( My Mark of Mastery Edition is missing the Frootz Cat and Kab Kannon cards and Square-Enix hasn't replied to my support center submission in over a week. I know the images are online but still I'd like to have the actual thing.
    8. Cloud4012
      I got the cards in my game and I am confused on how to use them
    9. R0xAzz12342
      What do you mean? You scan the cards into KH 3D and then they are used as pets for like flick rush and in the game.
    10. Mixt
      When you are playing with your spirits the camera is activated by default. If you point the system camera at the AR card it will scan in.
    11. Cloud4012
      I tried that but nothing happens when the card is under the camera
    12. Mixt
      Are you able to see the card behind the Spirts? If you can't then you need to adjust your settings to display it.

      If you can see it, but it isn't recognizing then you should look for a way to make the card more clear, try different lighting and different angles.