When I enter in the Games in Hercules's World, I need to defeat enemies in the time limit... but I think there is something wrong. Aqua is way too weak, all my attacks deal something like 1hp of damage to the enemy... I can't barely defeat one enemy. Hints and tips? Thank you!
Grind. Basic RPG grinding is pretty much all you can do. I'm dreading doing that part on critical. It wasn't TOO hard on proud.
Ok, Just a question now, is Aqua really that weak or am I in a low level since the beginning of the game?
BBS has one of the more touchy level systems I've seen. You might not be that underleveled but being just a few levels under the expected can be devastating. And on top of that don't forget about command melding, that can speed up the process too. And if you want to cut back on the grind even more you can use the D-link of Mickey or 626 (of you have it) to speed things up a bit more even. But you can end up feeling overleveled very quickly too, so fair warning to make regular checks on how you're stacking up if that bothers you. EDIT: Aqua is readily only good at magic commands. Didn't stop me from using melee a lot but that is why. If you must use a lot of normal attacks try getting her into a command style, most (if not all) use magic strength mix for damage calculation.