Apples to Apples is a game. Each round players are presented with a green card that has an adjective and are asked to match it with an appropriate noun from red cards in their hand. A judge (usually a player sitting that round out) decides which is best and gives that player a point. Tends to have very interesting results depending on what cards are in play and who you are playing with. Evidently someone got a point (or at least tried to) by playing "Darth Vader" under "Charismatic" Or it could be something completely unrelated, I don't know.
That's the one. My favorite victory in any Apples to Apples game was winning the "Perfect" card by playing "The JFK Assassination", winning me the game. I won it playing my first game with some friends at my local library. I will never forget it as long as I live.
Darth Vader, Michael Jackson, Hitler, Superman etc are pretty much winners everytime. At least in my house they are.
That's how we play, depending. When it's Lauren's turn, just pick something that amuses her (Darth Vader, chainsaws, blood, etc) and it's an autowin. Also Helen Keller. Helen Keller is an autowin, apparently.
There used to be one called Nusty Bolts but it shut down. It was amazing because you could create your own deck.
Somebody needs to rebuild that, or try and develop a new one. Just so I can cream you guys with our winners: Unforgettable AIDS, Cuddly Dr. Kevorkian, and Colorful Challenger Explosion.
It plays exactly like Apples to Apples. Except that the game is meant to be offensive and "politically incorrect". It's really just preference on the kind of tone you want in your game. For everyone who uses Apples to Apples for humor instead of playing it like how the rules say you should, Cards Against Humanity would be the better choice.