Didn't look to great when they were younger.... Top: Angelina Jolie, Ryan Seacrest, and Taylor Swift Bottom: George Clooney and Megan Fox
Somebody missed one: Spoiler: Before Spoiler: After Neville Longbottom . . . the boy who matured. FYI, his real name is Matthew Lewis.
Yup. Harry was the boy who lived. Neville was the boy who matured. One of these things is not like the other . . . one's cooler.
I stopped myself from clicking the spoiler, but the gawd da** quote showed it to me anyway. Fing spoilers >.>
As if to say normal people looked any better? And I guarantee that you would look loads better too if you had a budget like George Clooney's.
Same with Peter Davison. Actually, I want to see David Tennant without eyebrows... his eyebrows define him O.o Spoiler
I literally don't know what it is but they must totally use a weird filter that makes everyone look horrible. When we had our school photo outside a few weeks back, the photographers were saying "We'll take the photo when the rain and wind stops!", they waited for it to die down meanwhile all the girls were trying to fix their hair and the guys were secretly doing the same. They finally took all the pictures and told us to come down, row by row off the stand... of course the sun came out at this point. All these photos will have people pulling faces and hair EVERYWHERE! grrr...