Anyone Want to make a Machinima?

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Number72TheMonkey, Jun 14, 2009.

  1. Number72TheMonkey Destiny Islands Resident

    Jun 10, 2009
    In Galbadia Inside The Presidental Palace.
    Number72TheMonkey aka: RoboMonkey720 (My Youtube Account)

    Does Anyone Want to Make a Machinima With Me? For Those Who Dont Know.
    Machinima is a Definition of Machine Cinema. By Using a Game Engine for Using Movie Purposes, Like Halo 3 is a Decent Game to Film Since it has Threatre Mode Because of it's Free Camera, If You Want to Record A Video, you will need a Recording Device. And NO I dont mean a Cell Phone Cam Corder, because it looks Unproffesional And ****** and no one is going to take your movie Seriously. I'm Not Going Too Far in one Post so Here's The Videos That Will Explain it for you
    Part 1:
    Part 2:
    Part 3:
    Part 4:
    Part 5:
    Part 6:
    I Didnt Create those Videos Jon Did or DigitalPh33r.
    Please Comment. *Waiting For Something*
  2. TheVader74 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Nov 24, 2008
    United Kingdom
    I already make Machinima dude. I use Brawl however, not Halo. Halochinima's too easy to make in this day and age, IMO. I'm not that popular, but I'm told my work's good.

    What do you plan to do with your machinima? Are you making comedy, action, drama, what? Have you planned any scripts, got any ideas so far? Or are you just looking for someone to collab with?
  3. Number72TheMonkey Destiny Islands Resident

    Jun 10, 2009
    In Galbadia Inside The Presidental Palace.
    Could You Send Me A Link To Your Machinima, And I'll Admire It and See If It's Good To Me, Oh You Asked What Do I Plan? A Bit Vague But I'll Try To Answer It. Sort Of Drama Yes. I Finished My Project Ghosts Series But They're Too Large To Be Transferred Onto Youtube and I Use Dial Up Not Broadband :( And I Was Thinking To Do A Prequel To It But All I Ever Use Is. Sony Vegas, Goldwave, Samsung L730 Digital Camera and A Acoustic Solutions HDTV. So I Only Lack A Capture Device...
  4. TacoGrenade King's Apprentice

    Depends on what game.
  5. Number72TheMonkey Destiny Islands Resident

    Jun 10, 2009
    In Galbadia Inside The Presidental Palace.
    I Am Going for Halo 3 or Half Life Series For My Machinima Purposes since i got an PC And Xbox 360. Since They are Easy with mind and more complex abilities rather than Brawl (no offense) But The Reason I Saved For the Xbox 360 as a desperate rush to play Halo 3. I Could Go With PS3 But No... I Follow My Opinions not others.
  6. TacoGrenade King's Apprentice


    That sucks. I only have a PS3.
  7. Number72TheMonkey Destiny Islands Resident

    Jun 10, 2009
    In Galbadia Inside The Presidental Palace.
    The Xbox 360 Sucks Thing that i didn't Like. I Only Brought Xbox 360 as a Desperate Rush to Play Halo 3. It Drove Me Into Saving Up...