I saw Man of Steel today and from a purely cinematic standpoint it was really really good, everything looked nice and I enjoyed watching it. The story left a bit to be desired so I was wondering how true to the lore is the movie and how well it does things.
Savvy? On Superman? Me? Nooooo... Like Burnitup said, it's better to view it as an Elseworld's story, but I think that's mainly only because of the minor details. Overall, it was...very decent. Better than good, actually. It's just...some of its details have been so...entwined into Superman's history that, although it shouldn't be a big deal to change them, it throws off Superman's history. Supergirl being pretty much all but stated to be his ancestor and not his cousin, Superman's DNA holding the future of Krypton (it's a different iteration of the New Krypton storyline, I would say [though a failed New Krypton]), Kryptonians being genetically given a role in society, Clark becoming Superman as an adult after finding his heritage and not embracing his full powers until that happens, the Fortress being a ship, the Clark Kent pseudo-attire (come on, there was like no change), the Jesus allegory (OH GOD, IT WAS MORE THAN NARNIA). In fact, I was almost completely satisfied with the movie with what it tried to accomplish (I have my own storyline for what it should have been, but meh, that's just me). I would view it as...Superman's version of Ultimate Marvel.
That's not possible because Narnia has no allegories Aslan is Jesus That is his character arc The series addresses the question of what life would be like if Jesus actually dropped by every now and then to hang
While I was waiting in line, some guy said that Superman was originally written a couple of guys who were Jewish. They created Superman to be a sort of prophesied messiah for the people. Of course, I'm willing to be there's no doubt that someone saw that a while back and took it for Christian imagery instead and worked with that.
I can't say that this is completely wrong, but I am pretty sure it is. Superman was created by one guy who was Jewish and one guy who wasn't (well, I'm like 90% sure that he wasn't). Superman was created originally as a bad guy (bald, telepathic and wanted world domination. I would say he set the basis for supervillains as well as superheroes, but that may just be me overstating his significance) for a short story called The Reign of the Superman. He was then re-envisioned in the earliest form of his current theme, but there was some drama between the creators, plus a years-long search for an actual publisher. The reimagined Superman was physically based off one of the creators and someone else, while "Clark Kent" came from two famous actors at the time. There is a thought that one of the creators (the Jewish guy, no less, iirc) subconsciously came up with the idea after his father was gunned down in a robbery, a bulletproof man who fights crime becoming his hero as a kid, but that's never actually been confirmed.