In this day and age, I feel like I'm the only person who keeps up with this franchise, one of my old favorites. Discuss it here. Who's your favorite character? Mine is Falco. Whatever, just wanna see if anyone around here still knows what this is.
ooo I still remeber Star Fox, a long time ago. Not to be offensive or anything but those series kinda died. They aren't that great anymore, well for me. But anyways, my favorite charater was the ribbit dude...I forget his name
Good memories of Star Fox 64. The Gamecube titles couldn't live up to the 64 Star Fox, unfortunately. But I loved the series. I'm still representing Fox on Smash Bros Melee. XD
I liked playing the original StarFox. Only one I played in fact. It was challenging without being overly so.
I remember Star Fox, they made another game right? Star Fox Assault or something like that. Anyway, I like using Falco sometimes in Smash Bros., when Im not using Roy or Marth that is.
Star Fox 64 pwned. I have yet to play the ones on Gamecube so I can't really say if they are any good. "Do a barrel roll!"