I'm not going to be writing this or anything NOPE Wolfie: plums u no what time it is Plums: WOLFIE LET'S RERESENT Wolfie: AWWW HELL YEAH LET'S GO Plums: down dirty bitches, becoming the bots Wolfie: grindin' up and down cause they spammin' all my threads Plums: bringin out my post deletions like this game was poker Wolfie: banish all the bots, thank you based Deathspank Plums: what a troll the trick is in the banning Wolfie: wish you kept your head Sara cause you don't know what you missed Plums: now voxli getting pissed and it's jacking up my swag Wolfie: when I'm finished with this shit send my regards to the banned list Plums: DRAMA TIME home of ruon alts Wolfie: Puttin' work to the forum like a slave Plums: Keep the rugged color code Wolfie: Always in this stress mode Plums: being staff is suffering Wolfie: SO? Plums: You think i don't know that? Wolfie: DEATHSPANK Plums: HOLD THAT Wolfie: RVR Plums: HOLD THAT Wolfie: SARA-SAN Plums: HOLD THAT Wolfie: from the rep cousin, this ain't the time Plums: shoulda wished for more posts now you ain't a prem Wolfie: ANTE UP Plums: become moderator Wolfie: ANTE UP Plums: no spammykids Wolfie: get a staff app Plums: where my candidates at? Wolfie: if Stardust becomes a troll you gotta bust that Plums: ANTE UP Wolfie: become moderator Plums: ANTE UP Wolfie: no spammykids Plums: taking premhood Wolfie: yeah you need these Plums: Imma fuck this spam up Wolfie: I'MMA PREACH PEACE
Noooooow This is the story all about how my life got flipped turned upside down. And I'd like to take my lifetime and just SIT RIGHT THERE, I'll tell you how I became a peer of a site called KH-Vids.