I was real bored in this one, though I kinda like this best from all my doodles so far- and your hearing this from a girl who ALWAYS denies her artworks. Seriously i do, though any way here it is. Please comment ^_^
we'll i use printing paper or notebook paper(whatever i can get my hands on) i also have a scanner/printer. it's small enough for the paper to fit. then i just post it up on photobucket.
The only flaws I can see is that the left arm (the arm to the right) of the young boy is a little short AND the hand gripping the sword is gripping it weird. But whoa! This is great! This is not a doodle.
Well, yeah that was one mistake I made, my bad. And it is too a doodle! Why'd you think it wasn't? Ahhh...so I should blame the bond paper! XP
Very very nice, I don't see much wrong with it besides the boy in the green shirt's arm closest to the right being a bit short, and the yellow haired girl and the green shirt boy holding their wepons a bit funny. Everything else is pretty much perfect, wonderful job!
This picture is biggar than teh X-Box... If you want to shrink it, it can be done on MS Paint very quickly. Open the image, and use the shortcut Ctrl+W (I think it's called stretch) - change to a smaller number for the horizontal/vertical measurements and you're pretty much done. Example: this version is 30% of the original size. Advice about the picture - the hands are on the wrong arms... the thumb goes nearest the character when the palm is faced down, it is nearest the viewer when the palm is faced up. Look at your own hands and you'll see what I mean. I think the background's messing up the picture, you should rather use a gradient shade to create the mood you are after. This one is way too sharp for the characters and steals the attention from them. Other than this, I like the poses mucho. :3 It's a very good picture that can only get better. :D
Wow, that's awesome...although you might want to color it just a bit...I don't know what, just enough to cover the tiny holes, but no biggie. Anyway, great job, I love the shading, the clothes, and the eyes - awesome! :)