Video Anime,The glow,Mep

Discussion in 'Production Studio' started by sora awsome11/10, Sep 28, 2011.

  1. sora awsome11/10 Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 10, 2011
    I'm making my first mep.And i wanted to know if any one wanted to join it?
    It better then all the another diseny crap they have now adays lol
    Anyways here are the rules

    Rule,No being rude no being nude,Must be anime,It can be a diseny anime,Parts must be 10 secs long,No yaoi or yuri (How ever you spell it).
    The deadline is new years day cuz that when it 2012 and thats the new year and i might be moving to my back up user.
    When you are done with your video piz post a download link of it.Make sure the download it free(Dur) And the download must be on If you want to join but don't have a youtube user.You could always just email me at and give me the download link
    It can be any video editing software.Btw i'm new at this so yea haha

    Again i'm new at this so yea.
    And i'm deeply deeply sorry if this does not go here.Have a nice dau