Does anyone collect anime toys,posters,book, or anything? I still collect them even the toys i don't play with them i just collect them and stack them up so im now collcting kh stuff now. does anyone collect anime stuff? ( if i got thenit wrong im very sorry ^^'')
sure. i have a kh t-shirt and gir slippers....... let's c do DVDs count? and mangas? if not then well i guess i dont collect alot altho i buy stuff for my buddies ^^
I have a few figures, shirts, and posters... most of them Elfen Lied stuff, except the figures since there really aren't any. Most I got at Youmacon '09 and a few on eBay. xD Oh and of course DVDs and mangas.
I have a ton of stuff. I'm a hardcore manga collector, even if I read something online I buy it as soon as I can. I have 276 volumes right now, not including the art books and character profile books. I also have a few wall scrolls, though my InuYasha one is the one hanging right now. Aside from that I collect plushies, figures, or whatever random thing that happens to be related to a series. And for the past four years my calendars have been anime-related, though they're from Japan, not the ones you'd buy in an American bookstore. I don't collect the DVDs, though. Too expensive, and more often than not it's waaaay behind the rest of the series. And I'm not a fan of most subs. >>
I would if I had more spending money. For now I have a shirt, manga, plushies, a Kisuke figure, a wooden sword (might get a real one soon), don't know what else. A few DVDs maybe and CDs.
I got myself a KH1 Sora doll. I swear it wants to kill me in my sleep. My sister seems to have a shitload of Bleach plushies.
Most of my anime stuff is of Pokemon >> I have a Pikachu (multiple) and a Psyduck. I also had a Pokedex and a Digivice. (I'm still waiting to be called off on my Pokemon Journey/into the Digital World >> )
I think I have too much stuff, Manga, DVDS, action figures, you name it. Most of it comes from the cons I make yearly pilgrimages to and the deals found there. I have this mountain of plushies on what I think is my bed. Trouble is there's so many of them I'm not sure exactly what is it Mount Plushmore is on top of.
Personally I've got quite a few manga books, a few dvd's, a few games based on the anime and a charm from a particular anime.