Animated Avatar shop. [Closed] Closed. I'm making free animated KH avatars, like this: If anyone would like one, fill out the form and post it in the thread. (Please delete the writing in brackets in the form when posting.) When I have finished your avatar I will post it in the thread, please save it and upload it onto your own image host. Form Character/s: Amount of slides (Max 10): Speed (Slow, med, fast): Would you like me to choose the avatars? (If no post the pics you want me to use):
Character/s: Namine and Kairi Amount of slides (Max 10): 6 Speed (Slow, med, fast):Med Would you like me to choose the avatars? (If no post the pics you want me to use):Yes
Character/s: Roxas Demyx and Axel Amount of slides (Max 10): 9 Speed (Slow, med, fast): med Would you like me to choose the avatars: You can choose the rest Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D