Angels & Demons: My Catholic view is...

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by BaseSebastian, May 14, 2009.

  1. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    I want to see it. I mean, I know the real Vatican is going against the movie because of the crap Dan Brown has written before, but Angels & Demons actually shows the religion he mocked in the first book with a little bit better of a light. I actually want to see it, but if they start any more Mary Magdelen(Sp?) Bull**** I'm literally going to yell "Bull****" in the theater and walk out. I am NOT freakin' kidding. I'll allow them refering to it, but any more "revelations", and I will vomit in an Atheist's popcorn and walk out. Okay, maybe not that first-part, but definately the second.

    But seriously, this movie, judging by the trailer, isn't that bad looking. For instance, the Catholics are the good guys who did something long ago to prevent a peaceful that turned into a very violent group from overtaking the world. When the Illuminati come back for revenge on the church, they employ the guy who "revealed the biggest cover-up in human history"(Again, I say Bull****. Bull**** is what I say. Plain out Bull.... crap.... what did you think I was censoring??) to help defend the church. There is even a freakin' Preist working with what'shisname Tom Hank plays.

    So, as a word to all Catholics, I suggest going to see this movie just to see if it really is as bad as it leads-on to be. But any more "Jesus got married!" Crap, and you may walk out on the spot. They will know us by our actions, such as a single finger-raised in the direction of Hank's face, if need be ...xP

    Now, the reason I didn't put this in the movie section, which I debated, is because this is still an open discussion on how bad the movie is, apart from the actual theme of the movie. It is a discussion mainly about how Catholics view it. For instance, This movie could be bloodier than Hell, and still get the highest rating ever, and then when Boondock Saints: All Saints' Day comes out, everyone's going to be like "Wtf, that was crap!"

    So then, have it, everyone. What in your opinion, makes this movie a little bit better than the last piece of trash from Brown. (Also note: Even Brown knows what he's written is purely fiction, and sometimes even laughs there's people that actually use what he says as evidence to the contrary of reality.)
  2. Destined Working for WDW

    May 6, 2007
    Lost in the Rockies

    Angel's and Demon's is the first book of the Robert Langdon trilogy. Just want to clarify that since everyone thinks that the Da Vinci Code was the first book, which it isn't.

    I intend to see this movie because I have been a fan of Tom Hanks since his days in Philadelphia and Saving Private Ryan.

    What it boils down to is this movie is an adaptation of a work of FICTION. Once you realize this, even if the book or any other book is making you question things said about your religion or not, it is one person's interpretation of the events. I personally enjoyed A&D more than Da Vinci code because of the flow and pace, but Deception Point is one of the better books he's written.
  3. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    Knowing you... I question how you mean that.. >>...<<... But I will accept the compliment, if that's what it is.

    Fiction Exactly. The entire reason, so far, the Church and Vatican alike are protesting, is because of the tension Da Davinci Code started, and that "A war is going on in the Vatican." Personally, I don't care where the war is. It could be on Mt. Calvary or in Bethlehem for all I care, just so long as the point is that evil is being prevented. And that's exactly the word to describe the Illuminati. They started out as a peaceful society based entirely around science, but then, or so I hear, became full devil-worshipers, hence the title "Angels & Demons." When the Illuminati began to actually threaten the human race (Because those guys make today's Atheists look like push-overs), I think that pretty much justified the "masacare" described in the movie. Of course, nothing about death is justifiable, but when you and the the entire race is at risk, I think that gives you a reason for something.

    But what I mean is, exactly what you mean. Also, I did pick up the actual book A&D to read the back, and it lead-on that it was the prequel, but then the movie trailer made it sound like "He revealed the biggest cover-up in Human History, now the very same people he almost destroyed, are hiring him." Or something like that. And what exactly does Deception point cover, exactly? I hear they will make that into a movie as well. But it's mostly fiction, with real elements involved.

    And as a side note, I'd just like to add: We Catholics are in big enough shniz already in this "War against the church." We apparently don't "believe" in any parts of scientific laws, which is a lie in itself, the fact of Bill Maher's existence doesn't help either, and Pope Benedict gets the biggest bullets of all from the crossfire in a double-play. 1.) He is German. Ooo! He must be a Nazi... who wears funny hats... (****'in Maher's) 2.) Don't think that even I haven't noticed how he bears an almost strong resemblance to Emperor Palpatine. >,<

    EDIT: Some even think A&D is Tom Hank's and Dan Brown's half-apology for DDC. Hence the reason DDC was released first, methinks.
  4. Clawtooth Keelah se'lai!

    Mar 14, 2007
    If you vomitted in MY popcorn I'd send you closer to your God!

    Anyways, I really like Dan Brown's books and although I believe that Angels and Demons is better than the DaVinci Code, I still like the DaVinci Code. I like the way puzzles and riddles are used. I can't wait for the Lost Seal to come out and I will prebably pre-order it at some point. I will go and see Angels and Demons at some point but for now, this si my opinion.

  5. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    0-0"... I shall have to ask everyone in the theater I go to if they use the name "Clawtooth" at all. *Gulp*

    I'll have to admit one thing about DDC: The plot of the movie sucks... but the puzzles, riddles, and places that are involved are a nice touch. But can you really blame me for hating the plot? It's a movie about a theory Jesus married one of his disciples. Can you see the ability that gives for a twitch of the eyebrow, at least?
  6. Luna Lovegood nani panda-kun

    Jun 13, 2007
    Shirokuma Cafe
    I guess, but it's just fictional media. I seriously doubt anyone involved in the making of the movie intended to offend Catholics. They just want to tell an interesting story. It's really nothing to get worked up about. It's a book/movie; meant for entertainment, not attacking a religion.

    Myself, I loved the Da Vinci Code, both the book and the movie (though I only reached halfway through the book before I saw the movie). I enjoy the story and the mystery and the plot twists. I plan on watching Angels & Demons for the story, not for the religious controversy, thank you.
  7. Johnny Stooge Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 5, 2009
    EVERYBODY knows that Jesus and that Mary whore got it on.

    She was his groupie, so she was totally into saviour cock and well, it can be very difficult being the son of God. He had to have a lot of built up tension.
  8. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    Angels and Demons involves the Illuminati.

    You know some **** is going to be assumed when you make a movie with that theory in it.
  9. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    People take things so seriously when it comes to this. It is possible for Jesus to have had a relationship, after all, he did sin at least once. But yeah...the Church isn't the greatest thing ever. The Spanish are the first that come to mind. I liked both books and they were fun. So yay.
  10. childofturin Why?

    Dec 4, 2008
    On the Discussion Forum
    You know, I'm sorry if this comes off the wrong way, but first impression when I read your post: "religious fundamentalist whackjob". That's what I first thought. It seems like you are absolutely opposed to anyone taking any sort of creative liberties with your oh-so-precious religion, not taking into account that Hollywood has never made a factual movie in it's entire existence. I mean, if they make movies with bad science in them (which happens quite frequently - see 10,000 BC and any other caveman movie throughout history, plus hundreds of others), I know to just laugh at it and get on with my life. Yet, when they make a movie with bad religion, people go apeshit. It makes no sense to me.

    That's all I will say, at the risk of rambling and making an ass of myself.
  11. jafar custom title

    Dec 28, 2007
    I fail to see why you take it so personally. It is fiction. None of it is true. So, yeah. Just enjoy it, don't worry about what you think it means, because it really isn't what it means.

    Also, Jesus was only human. It's a possibility. I don't like the King James version and all that crap because it took away his humaness. According to earlier texts, he had a family. He was human. But it was altered to get more people into Christianity and to make it harder to question or doubt the power of God or Jesus.
  12. Blademaster Mai'kel Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 18, 2007
    My aleatorium
    QFT. You can't believe in Jesus as God without believing in him as human as well (this is from a Catholic perspective, of course), and yes, he did have a family: 4 brothers, namely Jacob, Joses, Judas, and Simon, and a few unnamed sisters (I can't remember how many sisters exactly).

    But like you said, it's a work of fiction. I read The Da Vinci Code. Was I offended by it? No. Did I believe it? Of course not; that was never Dan Brown's intent. I'm surprised people didn't make the same fuss over Angels and Demons (the book) when it was released. Or did they? I was probably too young to remember if there was.

    EDIT: Apparently the sisters' names were Mary and Salome.
  13. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    One thing to keep in mind, is that in the original illuminati theory, the church and the interests of the world otherwise ARE in unison. They aren't separated. The Illuminati doesn't get vengeance on the church. That's a fallacy of an idea, really.

    Plus, it doesn't matter because the book which the movie is based on is historical fiction. The entire thing (or 98% of it) is false.
  14. Repliku Chaser

    I had no real problem with the first book/movie or this one. They are, after all, fictional works. Some of the information gathered is valid but there is a good spin that is also imagined up and stories that tend to have a good percentage of realism to me seem to interest me more than things that are entirely yarns.
  15. Cherry Pie Pwns Gummi Ship Junkie

    May 10, 2008
    In your mind
    Well, there is some scandal in it, because some high ranking Vatican Official (Not saying who because it would spoil people) was thought to have broken his vow of chastity, even though he technically didn't. This leads to the "Illuminati" part of the story (Not saying how) who steal the Anti-matter from CERN (Or was it dark matter? Can't remember) and threatens to blow Rome and Vatican City. There's nothing really about the book that goes against the religion part of Catholicism, but they it does sort of criticize how the Vatican banned a lot of scientific development during the Renaissance.

    Oh and they have sex at the end. lol
  16. TheMagicalMisterMistoffelees Professional Crazy

    Aug 5, 2008
    The other side of the monitor
    I want to see it. Because it looks like a good movie. And people don't need to think it through farther than that because it's a MOVIE.
  17. Cleopatra King's Apprentice

    Mar 9, 2009
    Skyway Avenue &lt;3.
    It's a little something called fiction...

    I've only read like the first four chapters of Angels&Demons, so don't spoil >| But I like Dan Brown's books, so I'm keen on seeing the movie, like I am with seeing X-Men:Wolverine.

    And the theory that Mary and Jesus got it on sort of makes me think what the ****?! But then again, it better just be fiction...or else....I swear I'm going to walk out of the cinema screaming "JESUS IS A WHORE, DON'T TRUST HIM".
  18. Mielé Banned

    Oct 27, 2007
    So you're basically saying anyone who's had sex shouldn't be trusted?
  19. Clawtooth Keelah se'lai!

    Mar 14, 2007
    So he's basically saying that his mom shouldn't be trusted?
  20. Yukichin Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 26, 2008
    I'm honestly going to have to agree with a lot of people here and say, it's simply fiction. If you don't like it, don't read it, but it's not intended to be offensive or to "prove" anything (both the Da Vinci Code and Angels & Demons). It's simply supposed to be a form of entertainment, maybe even a "what-if" scenario. I had a friend on the school bus look down and happen to see I was reading The DaVinci Code and practically shout "THAT BOOK IS EVIL!!" and I fail to understand the big hubbub. Yeah, you can disagree with it, but... well, if you disagree with it and can't stand it whatsoever, why bother paying the money for the movie and stuff?

    Also, a bit of advice... don't shout out "BULL****" in the middle of the theater and leave. It's meant to be an entertaining experience; shouting out like that is, quite honestly, just plain rude.