Anesidora: Discussion|OOC

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Boy Wonder, Jun 11, 2013.

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  1. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Link to RP:​

    1. No godmodding, powerplaying, or any of the sort. Follow KHV's rules. Play nice with others. I can edit rules at any time and break them for plot purposes.
    2. No one-liners. Proper grammar is necessary. No long absences without warning (if you quit, at least let us know).
    3. Three characters max. Only one can be a General.
    4. Students cannot be levels F5, A1, or S0 (but if everyone goes for B2, I'm trolling you out of it). Generals have to be B2 or A1. No one else can (currently) be S0.
    5. The weapons are not meant to take down Mechas; they're for self-protection purposes in the wild.
    6. Your Mechas can be based off anything. Transformers, Megazords, Zoids, Gundams, whatever.
    7. Get creative with your Oversoul! We don't want everyone transforming.
    8. Your characters have to be part of the Wingers (except for Generals).
    9. I'm not allowing any more Squads (and by extension, Squad Commanders), unless we get enough people.
    10. Romance and violence is PG-13.
    11. Oversouls cannot be used for too long or in every post. Use it at your own discretion, or it'll be "plotted" to fail.
    12. The animals of Elseworld are simply huge and alien. None are mechanical, but they can be up to your imagination!
    Character Form
    Character Name:
    Mecha Name/Appearance:
    Mecha Abilities:
    Mecha Oversoul:

    • Character Name: Wiles "BG" Rygdea
      Age/Appearance: 21
      Level/Weapon: (Squad Commander) A1/This Spear
      Biography/Personality: Wiles was a child prodigy who enrolled at age 13, received his Mecha by age 14, gained his Oversoul at age 15, and was qualified to graduated early without the rest of his Squad at age 16 after being advanced to level A1 for his expert piloting skills. He immediately joined the Earth Space Military and created a team called "The Wingmen" with 6 other pilots for their skills in flying. The Wingmen were instrumental in regaining the planet Jupiter for humanity when Wiles was only 17, gaining him war hero status.. However, during a mission on Saturn, his 6 teammates were killed and the planet was lost to the Swarm. Unable to cope, Wiles was discharged and joined the Elseworld Security Fleet. He spent a few years there before realizing that he should instead teach pilots to be as skilled as him and became a teacher at the Mecha Academy at age 20. He was entrusted with Squad 2814, which he has nicknamed "Wingers" out of respect for his old teammates, after their former Squad Commander accepted a job on Elseworld.
      Wiles is an ******* in all aspects. He knows his skill and how important it is so he considers himself valuable. However, Wiles enjoys fighting and throws his own badassness into the field, though in reality, he does to hide his own secrets. He refers to everyone as either a "freshmeat," "maggot," or "poozer," depending on their ability.
      Mecha Name/Appearance: The Calvary
      Mecha Abilities: A Mecha built for combat in flight, the Calvary has wings that allow it fly using anti-gravitational technology. Its humanoid shape allows it to fight with its swords in the air effectively.
      Mecha Oversoul: Transformation. Calvary is able to transform into this jet. In this mode, Calvary is able to travel extremely fast through both air and space. In his humanoid form, Calvary is able to transform its swords into the guns from jet-mode as well as activate the boosters on his arms, wings, and legs extra speed as well as use the boosters as temporary weapons.
      Other: The "BG" is an acronym Wiles gained in the Military. He claims it stands for "Big Guns," but in reality, his fellow Wingmen had nicknamed him "Blue Guy."

      Character Name: Ronan Lair
      Age/Appearance: 18
      Level/Weapon: S0/A large dagger
      Biography/Personality: Ronan doesn't remember much of his past, it's all blurred scenes here and there. All that he knows for sure is that he has been part of the SuperSoldier Initiative since before enrolling. The SuperSoldier Initiative is an Elseworld project meant to create the next generation of pilots. To this end, Ronan was equipped with the Knightmare, a small Mecha-type suit that is specially fitted to his body. Though the suit is barely any bigger than Ronan, it's abilities allow him to fight most Mechas one-on-one and engage in warfare. However, the program has not been able to be duplicated so Ronan remains its test subject until Elseworld scientists are able to figure out how to use it on other pilots. The Knightmare is not Ronan's own Mecha as he is forbidden to create his own, but it has its own artificial Oversoul. The point of the SuperSoldier Initiative is give every pilot a secret weapon that is able to function as its own Mecha. When not in armor, Ronan is snarky and sarcastic, but relatively quiet. He tends to keep his thoughts to himself and strays away from others.
      Mecha Name/Appearance: Knightmare
      Mecha Abilities: The Knightmare is a suit of armor that fits perfectly around Ronan's body. It is composed of nanobots powered by a special type of energy composed using Elseworld's resources. It gives Ronan strength to rival regular sized Mechas despite his size. He is also able to fire pulse waves from his palms. However, its primary ability allows the Knightmare to create a giant, translucent, form of itself composed of the same energy with Knightmare suspended in its chest. This allows Ronan to fight Mechas of varying sizes by changing the size of the projection.
      Mecha Oversoul: The Knightmare's Oversoul allows him to analyze other Mechas' functions and allows the energy projection to duplicate them, giving Knightmare an imitation of their equipment and abilities.
      Other: Because it's suit of armor-type style, Ronan is able to fight with his own body movements, giving him the illusion of fighting himself. However, due to Knightmare's interface with his body, whenever he's wearing it, he becomes much more aggressive and slightly psychotic.
      Ronan has kept his Automaton and hides away within its cockpit when he wants to be alone.

      Character Name: Bartholomew "Barry" Rayner
      Age/Appearance: 28
      Level/Weapon: (General) B2/A three-pronged mini turret.
      Biography/Personality: Barry's father was a teacher at Anesidora and his mother a soldier. His mother died in battle when he was young and his father died during a Squad mission shortly after Barry enrolled. Following in his parents' footsteps, Barry decided to enroll in the Earth Space Military. He spent ten years in the Academy, bouncing from Squad to Squad to hone his skills, but finally graduated with one. He had hoped to an advancement to level A1, but was denied it. Regardless, Barry's Squad left for the War when he was age 24. During battle, Barry sacrificed himself to cover a bomb near his teammates. He survived, but temporarily lost his eyesight and his Mecha was greatly damaged. He was sent to Elseworld to recover and for repairs. His eyesight has been back and his Mecha repaired for a year now, but his redeployment keeps getting postponed until his eyesight is "back to normal levels." Since then, he has been working with both the Elseworld Security Force and the Mecha Academy, though he prefers working on Elseworld than teaching at the Academy.
      Barry is a soldier to his core. He doesn't take non-sense and always follows orders. There is a code at the battlefield and Barry will always follow it. He would never hesitate to give his life for planet, but there are some jobs that he doesn't believe "merit [his] level."
      Mecha Name/Appearance: Foxhole
      Mecha Abilities: Foxhole is known for its firepower. The rifle it carries is double-barreled with one main barrel -which fires large, explosive blasts- and a smaller barrel below it -that fires rapidly and automatically. Its armor is almost impenetrable. Despite this, Foxhole's speed often comes to a surprise. Though it has no flight or types of boosters, its legs allow it to dash quickly.
      Mecha Oversoul: Foxhole's Oversoul gives it the machinery on its shoulder. The cannon on its shoulder gives him much more distance and firepower, making him a walking mortar. It is also able to change ammunition to become a turret.
      The eight-way launcher fires a barrage of missiles.
      Other: Though his eyesight is almost perfect, Barry still suffers from blurred visions at certain times.

    • Character Name: Trent O'Connell
      Age/Appearance: 17
      Level/Weapon: C3/ A large hunting knife and a laser pistol.
      Biography/Personality: His father, and two older brothers are all in the military and his mother is a medic. So he was forced to go into training, by his father. He is impatient, brash and always itching for some action, and is always willing to endanger himself, but not others. He hates that they have to hide out on some colony, while earth is being attacked, so he doesn't take colony life seriously. He does have potential to be a good leader, that's why his father pushed him harder then his older brothers, his father saw that Trent's brothers are just grunts but he had potential. But he will never take charge, because he thinks this whole colony business is a joke. He also is a fairly good engineer.
      Mecha Name/Appearance: Iron Blitz
      Mecha Abilities: Iron Blitz maybe large and slow, but it's stronger then most tanks and it has some of the strongest armor. It was made for land combat. It has two large rocket launchers on its shoulders, and a large machine gun that's its right arm. It's a tank in every sense of the word. It also has a large energy shield that is very durable, and can extend it around a large area.
      Mecha Oversoul: Transforms into a tank. When transformed it is much faster then it's normal form. But lacks it's normal form firepower.
  2. lord-insan-E-O Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 9, 2010
    What are you a cop?
    Character Name: Trent O'Connell
    Age/Appearance: 17
    Level/Weapon: C3/ A large hunting knife and a laser pistol.
    Biography/Personality: His father, and two older brothers are all in the military and his mother is a medic. So he was forced to go into training, by his father. He is impatient, brash and always itching for some action, and is always willing to endanger himself, but not others. He hates that they have to hide out on some colony, while earth is being attacked, so he doesn't take colony life seriously. He does have potential to be a good leader, that's why his father pushed him harder then his older brothers, his father saw that Trent's brothers are just grunts but he had potential. But he will never take charge, because he thinks this whole colony business is a joke. He also is a fairly good engineer.
    Mecha Name/Appearance: Iron Blitz
    Mecha Abilities: Iron Blitz maybe large and slow, but it's stronger then most tanks and it has some of the strongest armor. It was made for land combat. It has two large rocket launchers on its shoulders, and a large machine gun that's its right arm. It's a tank in every sense of the word. It also has a large energy shield that is very durable, and can extend it around a large area.
    Mecha Oversoul: Transforms into a tank. When transformed it is much faster then it's normal form. But lacks it's normal form firepower.
  3. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    In! Editing you in now, leio.
  4. jackdaniel0 Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 9, 2011
    Deep within my brain
    Character Name: Poke

    Age/Appearance: 15

    Level/Weapon: C3. Second weapon is a watch that can transform to a wrist-mounted mine thrower. It throws mines that can be detonated by buttons on it, and it looks like a black box with a hole that looks like a fat CD. It also seems to be able to fit in more mines than it should. Transdimensional engineering? Hey, it's the Golden Space Age.

    Biography/Personality: He didn't have a very good life. His mother and father were on Earth fighting, so he was raised by his ex-military uncle. His uncle taught him about mechas and how they worked, however, believing in 'learning on the job', and wanting him to be in the military to help his parents, his uncle put him through survival training during his early teens time. He left him alone in the forests at random dates, with nothing but a backpack full of limited resources. In the wild, he learned how to live on his own. He managed to keep away from the dangerous creatures, and when his uncle came to pick him up one day, he decided that it was time he get him enrolled in to the academy.
    Despite his weird past, Poke manages to find time to have fun, be happy, and crack jokes. Not everyone likes an energetic comedian, but Poke doesn't seem to care about those people's opinions, he just gets on easily. Laidback, he proved himself to be a skilled pilot, thanks to quick thinking, maintaining a cool head, and possibly, luck.

    Mecha Name/Appearance: Blackout

    Mecha Abilities: Surprisingly agile and, strangely, slippery, Blackout was made mostly for suppressive fire; to tire out the opponent to near-defeat. It's weapon potential is low compared to most mechas. Blackout has 4 turret guns, 2 mounted on his shoulder pads and 2 on the sides of his thighs, 10 hidden missile launchers in his left 'wing' that can automatically be replaced during battle, and a powerful plasma cannon in his mouth strong enough to destroy a small city block, but there is a long charge time. In his right wing there's a hidden foldable blade that can be used to strengthen his melee attacks. Thanks to it's unusually high agility level, Blackout can perform many different combos of attacks like in fighting games(Street Fighter, Tekken, etc.).

    Mecha Oversoul: When activated, his right-wing blade is super-heated so that it can cut through not anything, but a lot of tough stuff, amping his melee power. Both of his wings have hidden compartments(from the turret to near the tip, it's the white-red part with the symbol on it)that can only be opened by Oversoul, and what's inside? You're probably expecting a giant sword, but Blackout doesn't have hands. Inside is a ridiculous number of little mini baby Blackouts barely the size of a human that were mostly made to frustrate and tire out the opponent. And just to annoy the crap out of people, Poke had them installed with loud music players. Never know what's coming out of there. The mini-Blackouts can also emit electricity that creates powerful amounts of shocks, although they sometimes blow up when they're done. And last but not least, the ultimate plasma cannon. It receives an upgrade that greatly reduces its charge time, and the beam is blue instead of red, meaning that it gets a lot hotter and a lot more powerful.

    Other: Totally didnt steal from MGR. Poke kept the Automaton, just in case.
  5. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    My characters will come later, just got a lot of stuff to post in before hand.

    EDIT: Here my first one, they other will come later

    Character Name: Sieg Kruzheart
    Age/Appearance: 18
    Level/Weapon: B2/ Katana
    Biography/Personality: Dating back to the early years of modern warfare, Sieg has had relatives in wars. Most of them had high ranks and achievements in their time. While the introduction of mechas to warefare would pose new challenges, joining the military would aid in Siegs learning how to use one in combat.
    Due to his families history, Sieg is a confident man when it comes to his combat and piloting skills, but unlike his ancestors he cares about the mission and his comrades equally.
    Mecha Name/Appearance: Eins Buster
    Mecha Abilities: The Eins Buster Unit is a very special model. Aside from it's ability to transform into a jet, it's also equiped with the Zerobuster Mk II hybrid(a combination of along range rifle and a fully automatic) gun
    Mecha Oversoul: Burstdrive - When activated, signaled by a faint red glow around the mech, the Eins Buster can move at high speeds, increasing it's evasive capabilities.
  6. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    You two are in~
  7. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Character Name: Arthur Waller
    Age/Appearance: 33
    Level/Weapon: (General) A1/Phaser Rifle
    Biography/Personality: Arthur is the first of his family to become a soldier. He comes from a line of scientists, engineers, and mechanics. He himself was once a mechanic, spending his days repairing damage done to other mechas until his colony came under attack from rogue pilots. Without any hesitation, he stole an Automaton that was still undergoing repairs and fought off the rogues single-handedly. It wasn't out of sheer skill but ingenuity that allowed him to escape the skirmish with his life. Seeing his innate skill, the Military encouraged him to enroll. Despite entering at such a late age, he managed to become a General in his mid-twenties.
    Arthur is best known for his unorthodox strategies and will often bend the rules as he sees fit. He enjoys getting his hands dirty, especially if his presence on the battlefield will assure a victory. He would never give a suicide mission to a soldier other than himself. Luckily, he hasn't had to make that call yet.
    Mecha Name/Appearance: Aphelion
    Mecha Abilities: Aphelion is a search-and-destroy mecha. It is built to enter enemy lines undetected with the use of its cloaking system and strike points of interest or attack from behind. Aphelion is bulky, slow, and far from agile but it makes up for this by using its four mounted cannons as boosters to enable it to move in quick bursts of extreme speed. When the cannons are engaged for combat, Aphelion can lock onto four targets at once or concentrate fire on a single enemy.
    Mecha Oversoul: The Vector Cannon. It is an attack so devastatingly powerful that other mechas cannot be nearby when it is unleashed for risk of system overloads. The two lower cannons on Aphelion's body extend and connect to the ground to hold the mecha in one place while the top two aim at their target and transform into much larger cannons. This process cannot begin unless Aphelion is grounded and can take up to twenty seconds to finish. A charging process must then take place which takes approximately half a minute. Once fired, Aphelion's systems must reset making the mecha immobile for a full minute. The Vector Cannon is an ultra-long-range attack capable of obliterating anything that it comes across. The Vector Cannon is capable of destroying vessels in orbit. This makes Aphelion the only mecha known with this capability.
    Other: He has only fired his mecha's Oversoul twice. Less than a handful of people have ever seen it used. This fact has earned him the nickname "Plan B". If conventional methods didn't work, Plan B would blow the enemy into the next dimension.
  8. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Sorry for the late response! You're in, broslice!
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