Look at those affordable prices.
I am such a HUGE fan of the Fate series...but that is more than ridiculous...and I'm guessing there are probably box sets of other animes that are more expensive
Wasn't Kara no Kyoukai like six hundred ****ing dollars for 7 movies Why do the Japanese let the industry get away with this ****?
I'm going to guess because they are the only one who offers it? If so, they can more or less control the price as they wish.
Because anime works differently then American broadcasted shows. In America a series will make money simply because it is being aired on TV, the better the ratings then the better the pay. That plus merchandise of course. In Japan all of the money for a production is made from BD sales and other merchandise(Figurines, Drama CD's, etc) Whereas in America it's the channel that asks for the show to be put on air in Japan it is the animation studio that pays the channel to put thier show on the air. This is why you rarely see any anime get canceled mid production because for the most part they've already payed the channel for a certain amount of seasons. This is also why other then the really popular **** like Pokemon, anime is never rerun in Japan, once it's done it is taken off the air unless the company feels like paying again for a time slot(ie Soul Eater) Also the target demographic for most anime don't spend their money on anything other then anime so they'll buy the $600 Kara no Kyoukai boxset regardless. Also Fate/Stay Night is a popular series so the licensing for that **** was probably a shitton.