And I'll look down and whisper... WITH FUCKING PLEASURE THAT'S RIGHT KIDS! IT'S TIME TO CLEANSE THE FORUMS ONCE AGAIN WITH DIVINE RETRIBUTION LET THE RETRIBUTION BEGIN And for those who don't know how this works, See those quotes up there? If you click on the little square next to "Person" it will take you to that post These post have not been made yet so as of right now they will be a broken link However once those post have been made then the link will work. The creator of each post shall suffer an untimely death.
It is to make sure that the corpse stays just that, a corpse, casket closed and six feet safe under the ground... This poses a most severe question, then: how many one-hit corpses are truly dead? Mister Jay has been hit twice, *weep* quick, to the mounds! We must dig up their mangled bodies, check pulses...
I never really figured out how that game worked, so I never played it. •n• I found that it hasn't been locked yet, and is in the abyss of The Playground.