And so it happens again (Card captors Rp)

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Sakura Angel, Apr 26, 2010.

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  1. Sakura Angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 26, 2010
    It is now after Sakura's time and some how the sakura cars are now back to being called the clow cards... How ever the are now also new cards. New cards that hold difrent powers and if they are not found and taken control of the new owner weird things will start happing all over the world! There is now more than one chosen one and some want that cards to help save the earth from the horrible fate but others want the cards to take over the world and lead it to its doom

    Now all the chosen ones who want to save the world have band together and call themselfs the pure ones! althought not all members have been found yet. The other chosen ones are now called the Evil angel clan. The two now fight eachother to get all the clow cardsand both have a difrent purpose. Who's side wil you choose?

    In this RP no charaters can be used that are in card captors seeing as their time has ended but they can be mentioned! Please have some people be on the bad side and some on the good. All played must have a chance to win a battle!

    You can make your own cards! everyone can have the same elements BUT that all must have difrent powers! be creative this is for fun!

    I shall hope everyone knows the rules by now if anyone needs help feel free to ask! Everyone starts off with three cards!!

    Age:(you can be any age you want expet for like 3)
    Appearance:(pic please)
    History: (please be a paragraph long)
    Personality: (also a paragraph long)
    Favorate eliment and why:
    Starter cards:

    Everyone must have atleast a paragraph long when you post! if you honestly cant thats fine. YOU HAVE TO WAIT FOR ATLEAST 4 OTHER PEOPLE UNTIL YOU CAN POST AGAIN. Give people time to reply and catch up!

    This rp is for fun! i will post my temp once others do ^^
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