This drawing has been bugging me for months - I finaly finished it today after pushing myself to draw nonstop for 8 hours. (don't even get me started on how long the whole thing has taken me in total) Again, used some of the colour pencils that I have won in another forum during autumn, they are so hard to use mainly because they act exactly like 6B pencils... ugh.. I'll never draw houses again... =.= The only reason I drew this one is because it was my late grandparents' house, and I have many fond memories of it. So this is sort of my tribute to it. :3 At first my mother asked me to make it for my grand aunt, but I have worked too damn long on this to just give it away. I'll send her a copy instead or something. BTW, reason it says L in it is because I removed my last name from it. :> Hope you guys like it. My brain is dead.
WOAH!! Thats amazing...I could never draw houses. But the thig I love mostly is how you mixed the diffrent colors into the house. Also the shades in the tree is just wonderful. *clap* you are a great Artist. :3 hope I can see more of your drawings in the future
That drawing looks so awesome. 6B pencils, are they the really soft ones? You should continue to be an artist. You've got a lot of potential.
I personally love the drawing. The texture and colors are just right ^_^ at first i thought it looked like a snapshot of a photo. :P
wow, just- wow, this is amazing, all the details put int it are wonderful, and it just looks amazing!
Same here... I didn't realise it wasn't until I clicked on it. ()_() That is amazing Coco, I really wish I could draw even half as well as you... It really is beautifully coloured and it's got to be so worth the effort and stunning to look at in realilty. Because we all know scanners are evil >O
:"> Thanks guys, I appreciate it. And yes, evil scanners! X3 To kowae7, yes they are very soft. My personal favourite pencil is 2B, just the right thing for me. HB is the regular type, the one used to write with and what not. Higher numbers in B means it's softer and darker. :3 Very smart to combine them in drawings. Sadly I only had one type for the colours, so I'm not 100% satisfied with some of the spots. Gives too much of this grain feel, you know?
Oh snap That's amazing. It looks like you slaved on it o-o Love the coloring and stuff. I don't think theres enough shading on the house it's self to be very realistic. None of the less, awesome.
Oh yes.... I slaved on it.... >> I was never fond of drawing realistic houses and buildings. I was careful not to overshade it - heaven knows how often I overshade things. I actually didn't intend to add so much on the surroundings and background either, but lol behold.. X3 The house is meant to be in white paint btw. Thankies! ^^
Um WOW. Colored pencils, that is just lovely. The mixing of colors your did is truely superb. I really think the geometric look of the house suits your style well. Sorry I don't have too much to say, I really don't see anything that I'd like fixed/done differently o_o;; I would so love to see more of your work, it is just beautiful...
Coco, you never sees to amaze meh! I just love your work, it's just brain dead! <3 You can tell you worked hard on it. And Im proud of you! <3 Awesome job!
OMFG!!!!!!!! that is so cool i envy your chosen colors and your shading... i cant do that *sulks in a corner* i have no critiques... lucky! ^^