Heres mine, probably not so funny, but its something. All right, so I was in summer school, I'd say the 4th grade. and there was this joke going around. it was the "Idaho , you-da-ho" joke. Well the students managed to confuse me so bad on this joke that one day, when the teacher was calling out names of students to name off the 50 states of the US, it got to a point where one kid said Idaho, and well, I just went with my gut (I never should of trusted my gut) I looked the teacher straight in eyes, stood up, and yelled out "YOU-DA-HO!!" she said " I-da-ho, NO YOU-da-ho" and I said "but its a state tho, right?" at this point, I was tripping, and the whole class was just laughing to death. I thought I was going to be grounded for ever. (and yes, this really did happen)
My biggest mistake: I am so sorry i have no idea what I was thinking I was a freshman okay[DOUBLEPOST=1365006631][/DOUBLEPOST] I... I have no idea what to say to this. I'm from Idaho.
I got one. So I work in the produce department in Kroger and I had to page some to open up the trash compactor I had only paged someone once. Paging meaning you pick up the phone and ask someone to call you back on a number which is heard throughout the store on the intercom. So i was told to page Kevin at 2221. So all I had to say was "Kevin dial 2221". Well I went to do so pick up the phone and said "Kevin dial 222... ..." and hung up. I messed up and forgot the number and I got nervous and slammed the phone back on the hook. I was really embarrassed. It doesn't help either that you hear yourself on the intercom as you are talking so it makes it hard to speak. I re-paged a couple of seconds later and got it right. God did I feel dumb!
this one time when i was really little i did this one super dumb thing and it's affected my whole life negatively. 8( i was born. anyway one time in my middle school spanish class (which i spent playing pokemon lol) my teacher was saying how "papá" is father and "papa" is potato. and i raised my hand and asked "but what if your father is a potato?" and no one said anything. everyone was dead silent. until i got sent to the office for being a disturbance u n u
The time when I was very noobish here, I posted a Paul Rodriguez joke and ...... yeah the results wernt very great. I think out of everyone Haley was probably the one that was most displeased with the joke.
I've got quite a few stories I could tell, but since i don't have that great of a memory, I only remember some details, so I don't think I'll share half of a story. Still, I've definitely done some pretty idiotic things in my life