Bought several items that tallied up to £8.99. He gave my £23.90 so he could receive £15 n' a penny in change. I told him he needed to give me another 10p for that. He said no n' that i was wrong. I couldn't care. I entered the amount n' gave him £14.91 change. He went mental, sayin' i couldn't count. I told him he needed to give me £24 but he refused to accept that. Then he yelled some more. He then brought out his calculator n' performed the calculation...he walked out the store with his tail between his legs. xDDD I always get the nutjobs! But nothin' beats last week's star. A drunken man walks up to the counter n' starts sayin' i'm stunnin', gorgeous etc...somethin' only drunks would say. Then he asks if i'm married. Then talks 'bout Shrek n' how Fiona loved Shrek n' how he is almost identical to Shrek (i admit, he did look like him).
Also, the apostrophe should go before AND after the n like 'n', not n'. Also, i suggest somebody learns how to use the G key.
I never knew the Scots used numpty... I'm part Scottish, why did I not know of this!?! It's the Internet, who actually gives a shit?
Your suggestion (OHMYGOSH! I USED THE G KEY! O: ) has been noted n' discarded through a Colon Hydrotherapy pipe. It's right where it belongs. I'm hopin' so. It's time they had a real Scot play the leadin' role rather than Mel Gibson. As do Americans but they can never seem to spell the word colour. xD D'awwww, cheers me dear!