I think these goes here...I did draw them by hand with my mouse...So...They do right? I hope you like them :3
These eyes... They interest me greatly.. There's something about the way you coloured them that I haven't seen before. Did you use a spraytool on MS Paint? (if I remember right it used to chop up if you held down the left button while dragging at the same time) They look very lovely, a personal favourite is the eye in blue due to how you placed the highlights in that one. If you want them to look more real and lively, you should add in a darker tone of the blue that works like a shadow for the pupil before adding highlights. It gives more shape. :3
To be honest coco, I actually drew the basics and THEN added color and used the brightening tool on Paint Shop Pro 7. So, yes, not ENTIRELY with paint but half-ways. I will also try what you said about a darker color under the bright. I think it will look better that way. :3