I thought we could make a social group for everyone who plays ffxiv, so that we can make parties and talk about it and junk. I invited a few people I think play but if you do please do join! http://kh-vids.net/social-forums/final-fantasy-xiv.54/
Yay, a place I can blog about my day with the game and how irritated I get with people who rush through dungeons while skipping chests, or trolls who don't know how to DPS (okay, that one was just a bad experience in the Toto-rak dungeon the other day. But still, it gets pretty high on the list for "trolling or failing")
OMG WE WILL HAVE TO DO SOME DUNGEONS TOGETHER THEN, I am a loot whore Yeah they're definitely not as popular as they once were but they're really useful for this kind of thing.
It's hard not to be though. I mean, if there's a random chance to get an item, I don't want to skip any of those chances, but then people start skip the chests all over the place. It's a good thing this time around in this MMO I keep my equipment. Though I have to get a craft skill to lv19 so I can do materia as well as clear up my armory
These keybinds are weird and everything is new to me and like where the frick to I get professions and holy carps there's like level 25 mobs next to level 7 mobs what is this
Yeah, there is definitely a level spike in most areas. Like in Central Shroud you can be going through most of the east just fine, but you won't be going to the western part without being around lv32 or so. And especially in Southern Thanalan, heading to the desert you have to go through an area with lv46 Amal'jaa. I wanted to kill that Puglisit guild leader for making me have to run through such a dangerous area