Amv Guides

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Miaharpy, Sep 10, 2007.

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  1. Miaharpy Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jul 10, 2007
    Radient Garden
    I just think that we make a post of a guide so everyone will know what people want to see when watching a amv. This way people can know what others would want to see in a amv and not have a big problem of everyone not liking it.

    Here's what I think of for amvs.

    1: Amv's must consist of different clips. If the clips are all the same, they will get tiring quickly.

    2: Video effects can be positive or negative on the video. Positive if it is effective, follows the music, and unexpected. Negative would be if the effect is use to often or doesn't match with the music.

    3: The beginning should be a eye catcher.

    4: The clips and music should match well. If the lyrics (if any) match the clips, people would enjoy it more.

    5: Lip synchronizing is very entertaining.

    Now.... If you got a idea, post away ^_^
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