...Huh. Looks like Audiosurf but with better BGs. I assume this would come with set tracks, maybe offer up a lot of DLC same as Rock Band?
After Rock Band Blitz and Harmonix's general high level of quality this game should be good. I would help support the game, but after spending tons on a PC I should probably start to be a bit more frugal.
I never played Amplitude, but I still have Frequency for the Ps2 in my basement. Interested in seeing the tracklist they pick.
Oh snap! Glad it lived :'D I was agonizing over not having any funds to contribute but I guess the hardcore fans made up the difference.
O man am I glad it made it through from the kickstarter. This game looks AMAZING. I can't wait for another Harmonix game. Since Rock Band 3, I've been itching for another great rhythm game c: