Well, the last couple of shops I've tried to start have all miserably failed, so I want to try again, and hopefully get some customers, yes? Ok, for starters I do siggy, avvys, sets and wallpapers. Compared to most people on this forum, I'd say my GFX style is pretty different, see for yourself: Thats just some of my recent siggys. If you would like one of those above, take em and give m credit =) If you would like a new one, please fill out a form below. Type: (Siggy, avvy, set, wallpaper) Dimensions: Stock/Render: Colour Scheme: Text(if any): Anything else: And that's all! Happy posting and enjoy my shop of awesomeness! :)
Type: Siggy Dimensions: basic size(im a newb, not very good at computer dimensions; lol) Stock/Render:http://images1.fanpop.com/images/im...ck-to-Back-kingdom-hearts-1141547_700_542.jpg Colour Scheme: dark colors(black, red, and purple) and bright colors(blue, yellow, white) Text(if any):(top)Within every heart, there is Darkness.(bottom)And in every soul, there is Light. Anything else:make the colors blend in the middle, to show the perfect fusion of light and darkness
srry, couldnt find any other pics online that matched that; could you find a good example and pm it to me? most of the pics i saw WERE fanart, so i couldnt do much anyway.
you could just ask the maker for permission: http://Yunaleskaa.deviantart.com/art/Kingdom-Hearts-II-9899970?q=boost:popular Yunaleskaa&qo=1 Otherwise, what about this: http://www.damnlag.com/wp-content/uploads/Riku-Sora-Card-Official.jpg