American Gods RP

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by mr_croup, Jan 10, 2007.

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  1. mr_croup Traverse Town Homebody

    Oct 17, 2006
    A giant bucket
    Gods exist. Just about anything that is worshipped or passed down among
    the generations can take Physical manifestation. Anubis, Anansi, Odin, and
    just about any other mythological figure or creature that you can think of may
    exist. They remain hidden, though. Sometimes they take on human forms,
    and interact among mortals (who knows? You may have met one or two in
    your time!), and sometimes they simply never even step into this plane of

    New gods are constantly created. There is a god for just about anything that
    people give tribute to in any way. If a human is lucky enough and enough
    people “worship” or give "tribute" to them when they die, they just might
    become a god as well. Gods of telephones, cars, the internet, and all modern
    commodities are constantly being created from the way the world works.

    It's not as though old gods battling new gods is anything new. Old gods are
    constantly forgotten, replaced by new, more powerful gods. Some gods live,
    some die and are remembered, and some are forgotten forever and wiped
    from existence entirely. The ones that survive never exactly have “good”
    relations with new gods. They often clash with one another. Lately, though,
    the tension between gods seems to have come to a breaking point. Both new
    and old gods are being killed. When gods are killed, it is quiet and
    unceremonius. It is as though they never existed. The war of the ages has
    begun all over the world, and most mortals aren’t even vaguely aware.

    The Battle of the gods has begun. Which side will you choose?

    Will You fight to preserve the old ways and gods, or will you fight to make way
    for the new ways and new gods?

    The choice is yours.

    Rules for creating a character:

    Name (may be different than what god you are):
    Incarnation of (Your god's true name):
    God Of:
    Culture (Old gods only):
    Appearance in human form:
    Appearance in true form:
    Abilities (special powers)
    Weaknesses (even gods aren't invincible :D) :
    Alignment (old, new or neutral):

    Character rules:

    Both sides: Please don't make your character too powerful. I
    know you're a god, but so is everyone else, and they are probably just as
    powerful as you.

    Old gods: Old gods must be actual gods or mythical creatures that a REAL
    culture on earth worshipped or believed in at one point or another.

    New Gods: New gods must be based off of something modern (within the
    past two hundred years or so). Your character can be a human that became a
    god when they died, or they can simply have cme into existence as more
    people worshipped the thing that gives you power. Use your Imagination.


    Oh, and BTW, if you want to have an old god defect and help the new gods or
    vice versa, feel free. It would make things interesting. :cool:

    No spamming
    no godmoding (yet again, you're not invincible)
    no controlling other people characters
    No unnecesary gore
    You know the basic rules.
    I based this RP off of the book American Gods by Neil Gaiman. If you haven't
    read it yet, it's not a problem; you'll be able to play just as easily. I reccomend
    it to everyone because it's just a really good book.

    If have read it want to be a character from the book, go ahead. Just know
    that certain characters are off limits (if you've finished the book, you'll know
    exactly who i'm talking about), and i'll let you know if i feel that your character
    falls in this category.

  2. KeybladewarriorNexus1993 Destiny Islands Resident

    Incarnation of :Anubis
    God Of: the Dead
    Background:Was born of Egyptian and American roots.Anubis needed a new host that of an innocent. So he encarnated Jon.
    Appearance in human form:A human with Jackel ears in Black Clothes
    Appearance in true form:A human with a Jackel Head
    Abilities:Necromancy,Fjre,Shapeshifting,Bass Crossfusion,Cybeast unison,Double Soul (What?I Like Megaman!*points to avvie*)
    Weaknesses: (don't know yet.Help me out!)
  3. mr_croup Traverse Town Homebody

    Oct 17, 2006
    A giant bucket
    Yay! someone actually posted! :D

    Anyway, weaknesses of Anubis... well, Anubis is the god of death. Also, he weilds fire. Water is the element of life, and it also quenches fire. So, he can be weak against water. Does that work?

    Now, my profile:

    Name: Mr. Wheeler
    Incarnation of: Mobilus
    God Of: Automobiles
    Background: Mr. Wheeler was once a top executive of a successful car company when he was alive. He was one of the richest men on earth when he was alive. One night, however, he was killed in a tragic car accident. However, because he was lucky, and because of the sacrifices made to him and his mammoth company, he was revived as what men dream of becoming- a god.
    Appearance in human form: About six feet tall. He always wears a black collared sweater, khaki pants and mirrored shades. He has black hair and white skin. He looks about thirty, despite the fact that he was about sixty when he died.
    Appearance in true form: He is about seven and a half feet tall. He wears a large pinstripe sport coat, and large black pants. His Skin color is a steely grey. His eyes are always bright, just like the headlights of his creations. His hands have literally turned to steel, and they are always stained with blood (cars have received human sacrifice on a level that rivals the aztecs). He wears rubber boots with treads on them.
    Weapons: None- he uses his hand-to-hand combat skills and abilities to best his opponents.
    Abilities: Superhuman stregnth and speed. Can breath fire or poison gas. Can also see in the dark. Can activate cars, trucks and buses and control them as though he was behind the wheel.
    Weaknesses: Can't go long periods of time without eating. When he does, his powers diminish. Also, weak against earth, and to some degree water. Not a good swimmer.
    Alignment : new
  4. Ratchet Bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong!

    Oct 14, 2006
    Name: Nikki
    Incarnation of :Nyx
    God Of: Night
    Background:Hidden by her followers and Oracles, Nikki lives a secretive life in the shadows. She is the daughter of Chaos, and the mother of the Spartan gods of death and sleep
    Appearance in human form: 5'11" Long black hair, black eyes and pale skin.
    Appearance in true form:5'11" Long black hair, black eyes and pale skin.
    Abilities:Sleep, Darkness, Prophesy.
    Weaknesses: Bright sunlight. Must remain covered.
  5. KeybladewarriorNexus1993 Destiny Islands Resident

    Yes!It makes perfect sense now!
  6. Darkvincent Gummi Ship Junkie

    Oct 9, 2006
    I'll get as want as drunka be
    name: zaris
    incarnation of: aries
    culture: greek
    background: said to be a decendant of aries zaris uses his powers to try to enslave earth.
    Appearance in human form:wearing a long black coat black hair black pants and a black shirt that has a red fire symbol on it and red eyes.......

    apperance in true form:turns into a beast big horns sharp teeth and claws and red eyes

    weapons: two guns and a fire kitana

    abilites: can turn allies agenst each other, fire manipulation , framing people

    weakness: anyone who can over come his mind control (turning allies agenst each other) this cuts his abilites strenght etc by 85% for the moment

    aligement: old
  7. mr_croup Traverse Town Homebody

    Oct 17, 2006
    A giant bucket
    Nice profiles, guys. :)

    Before we begin RPing, i was going to start this in New York City. Any objections/other ideas?
  8. KeybladewarriorNexus1993 Destiny Islands Resident

  9. Ratchet Bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong!

    Oct 14, 2006
    ooc: Anywhere, my character will have just moved there anyway!
  10. Darkvincent Gummi Ship Junkie

    Oct 9, 2006
    I'll get as want as drunka be
    i really dont care........
  11. mr_croup Traverse Town Homebody

    Oct 17, 2006
    A giant bucket
    ooc: Alright then, Los Angeles it is. Then i guess we can begin. good luck!

    Mr. Wheeler was currently walking down the streets of downtown LA. At this point, he had to admit that Mr. World was right. LA was the perfect place for him. He felt about thirty years younger here. He had a constant source of power. The beautiful automobiles and endless highways assured him of that. On top of that, there was always somewhere to go. The downtown area was always his favorite haunt.

    Mr. Wheeler had decided he was hungry. The sun was just setting, so he would have to find someplace soon, or places owuld start to get crowded. He decided to go to his favorite mall. they always had quick but good places to eat. Who knows, he thought, I might even run into someone interesting. And so, Mr. Wheeler started down the street toward hs favorite mall.
  12. Darkvincent Gummi Ship Junkie

    Oct 9, 2006
    I'll get as want as drunka be
    on top of a building zaris was looking down on LA

    then he thinks

    {LA a beutiful place with beutiful people everyone's paradis wat a perfect place to cause havoc and destruction hehehehehe eho will be my first victim}

    zaris then jumps down and walks on the side walk........
  13. Ratchet Bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong!

    Oct 14, 2006
    Nikki watched the setting sun and smiled. This was her time of the day. She had recently moved to LA and didn't know anyone yet, but that suited her. She was used to moving to where no-one knew her.

    She wandered out into the street, looking forward to late night shopping. There was a certain glamour to the 24hr lifestyle that suited her. She headed to the mall.

    She looked around at all the unknown faces. She liked the anonymity. The only people who knew her, needed to know. The rest were oblivious. She was just another face in the crowd. Her black hair and pale skin stood out during the day, but at night she could move around freely.
  14. KeybladewarriorNexus1993 Destiny Islands Resident

    Jon was looking around stirring his iced tea."Somethings not right."He said.He saw Zaris."You!"
  15. Ratchet Bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong!

    Oct 14, 2006
    Nikki wandered into the Mall and started to look in the windows. She bought a few random items. Occasionally someone would smile at her, and she would smile back. She had been studying their behavior so she would fit in.

    She noticed a fast food restaurant and decided to have something to eat. She ordered and sat down in a corner with her food. Watching everyone around her.
  16. KeybladewarriorNexus1993 Destiny Islands Resident

    "Ugh!He's gone!Dang." Jumps downs.Sees Nikki runs over to her."Hi I'm Jon."Extends hand for a handshake.
  17. Ratchet Bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong!

    Oct 14, 2006
    "Do I know you? I'm Nikki."

    Nikki looked suspiciously at the stranger. She was used to being ignored. She saw death....

    Nikki looked around for somewhere to escape to, but she was trapped in the corner.
  18. KeybladewarriorNexus1993 Destiny Islands Resident

    "Its okay I won't hurt you."For some reason he felt the Night in her presence.
  19. Ratchet Bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong!

    Oct 14, 2006
    "Sorry, I'm new in LA and still nervous. I didn't mean to be rude."

    Nikki looked at Jon, he seemed vaguely familiar, and she felt calm in his presence, despite the vision of death.

    "You're not originally from around here either, are you?"
  20. KeybladewarriorNexus1993 Destiny Islands Resident

    "Not really."He wondered why she didn't ask about his Jackel ears.
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