Just like the title says, are there times when you feel like you're the only one who has a certain opinion on a subject. Keep it simple, and can be about any topic whatsoever. Am I the only one who finds HD/Blu-Ray to be nothing special? I'm not paying hundreds of extra dollars just so I can see the pores on someone's face a little more clearly. Plus, I honestly don't see that much of a difference anyway. Am I the only one who is unable to play any Final Fantasy game, due to the sheer badness of them (they're not fun to play, the stories are horrendous, etc)? In case you're wondering, I've tried FFX, FFX-2, and FF11. Am I the only one who doesn't really care for Super Mario Galaxy? The only thing that wowed me was the soundtrack. Am I the only teenager that doesn't own a cell phone?
For most of the things you just listed? Prettymuch. XD Although I'm not a big fan of FF's gameplay (or anything turn-based in general) and I haven't played Super Mario Galaxy... ...Am I the only one that doesn't like Riku?
Usually my opinions are in sync with everyone else's, or a good amount of people, but I can tell you for sure you're not the only person to have these opinions/general possesions.
No.Sometimes I feel as though other people don't share my opinion. I think HD/Blu-Ray is awesome. It's ten times better than regular and it's way easier to look at because of the clarity.. Yes,you are able.It's just that you don't want to. x_x As far as I'm concerned, FFX and FFX-2 are fine. X is better than X-2 IMO, but I've seen worse. Haven't played FFXI but people like it, Final Fantasy is such a great series, none of the games are bad it's just that people expect so much from Square-Enix,that's all. It's okay for Final Fantasy...But good for anything else. Mario is classic. Not taking it from a financial view point...Yes and no. I think it's stupid to be a teenager and not have a cell phone. Unless of course you are sitting on your ass all day...Most teenagers are out doing sports and clubs and music...That's why I got one.All of the activities I do outside of school.If you don't do anything, then you honestly don't need one.
Personally I wouldn't shell out majors amounts of money for HD/Blu-Ray, but it's impressive. I don't see why I wouldn't get it if I had the opportunity/the money. Final Fantasy games are kind of hit-or-miss in my opinion, but you shouldn't discard the entire series just because you disliked three of the games. Oh, and Stardust, they got rid of the turn-based fighting in FFXII (I think), and I don't think it will be in FFXIII either. A lot of teenagers don't have cellphones. It's becoming more common, yes, but there still are quite a few people.
Yeah, and I tried FFXII, but it was still too slow for me. Seen videos of FFXIII though, and it looks like I may like it a bit better. @Styx: Uh, probably not?
Am I the only one that hates button mashing games on a console due to the fact that it's broken 2 of my controller's buttons?
HD/Blu-Ray are special because they help save the environment, I think. I don't think they're that special though. I still buy dvds, 'cause I don't know whether or not you can play Blu-Rays on PS2. Meh, I'd buy them if I had the money/opportunity like Misty said.
same here my cell phone got stolen so tecnicly i dont own one xD and yeah wats up with blueray and im not a big fan of FF eather unless u can play as them in kh xD
...I don't have a cell phone.... Am I the only person who likes eating Ritz crackers with marshmallows?
Yes. Big yes. I didn't see it close enough to actually see the difference, but I don't care about it either. People are going wild, but why? Even if the graphics are 10 times better, the price to pay is horrendous. And for the environment saving thing, I think it's because fewer discs are made, since Blu-ray takes less space. But that's not gonna make much of a difference. I only played one FF game, and it's FFX. And by that, I mean that I didn't finish it yet. I'd say the story is awesome, as well as the fighting system... but the other FFs do look a bit odd. FFXII's battle system doesn't inspire me. FFXI being a MMORPG makes me sick. FFX-2 has a good storyline, but... ... it's a cross-over of FF and Charlie's Angels. Too much fan service. So, simply put, you aren't the only one. Super Mario what? Barely ever heard of it. Not really. I used not to have one, but my parents really wanted me to have one. So now I have one that I NEVER use, costs my parents 30$ or whatever per month, and gets me into fights with parents since "I keep it off all the time, such as when in class". I don't want that cellphone! I guess it'll be useful in case of emergencies... hopefully.
Am I the only one who likes to come to this forum, despite no longer liking KH? xD Am I the only one who doesn't care for Lost? Am I the only one who thinks The Dark Knight wasn't a deep movie in the least, just a smashing together of themes and false climaxes? Am I the only human male that doesn't enjoy sports?