Am I being childish?...

Discussion in 'Help with Life' started by Sakura Angel, Jan 23, 2011.

  1. Sakura Angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 26, 2010
    Tis as title said. I need help and truthfull answers.

    Yesterday was my birthday and it started out kind of rough. But after a while it took off and was going great. Everyone was getting along. It was my friend my brother and his girlfriend and ofcourse my parents. Everything was going good everyone was getting along.My mom decided to go online and see if any of her 5 boyfriends was on. Well she went on her facebook and saw that he was with another girl. so she was all depressed and started whining. Needless to say I got angry because she always has to make everything about her. I let it go cause I didn't want to let her ruin my day. After that things were great.

    well when it was time to go drop off my friend and home my mom was at it again then got into a fight with my dad. Once my friend left it got even worse. My dad had to stop some were to I yelled at my mom telling her for the rest of the day to not to talk anyone and not to check her messages because I don't want her to ruin my day. She said she promised but I knew she wouldnt do it. when we got home she went right online and the girl he was with was talking to her and basicly telling her off. My mom was screaming at me dad so she could call him he lives on the other side of the world. My dad said no so she called her sister to go to her house and call. i was upset and pissed and i made the mistake of crying. my brother went to go talk to them saying why does she have to be so selfish and why couldnt she wait until after my birthday to settle this. My mother got mad and me and yelled at me then left.

    Once she got home llast night I stopped talking to her. She is even worse today. but i don't look at her or talk to her. when she wants me to do somthing I will do it but not talk with her. she is angry at me about that.

    I need to know if i am being childish. My mom ruins everything. i dont see why she has to care about this one guy when she is with so many others. She ruins everything and yesterday was important to me. i dont want to speak with my mom anymore because she will always pick a fight with me.

    plain and simple I dont want to ahve anything to do with my mom. Am i wrong?
  2. Beau Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 11, 2009
    Of course not.

    If your mom upset you to that extent, you have every right to ignore her and the such.

    How you treat other is how you will be treated. She treated you like crap, you treat her like crap. Plain and simple.

    And you're not the only one whose done that.
  3. x0xnaminex0x Destiny Islands Resident

    Feb 22, 2009
    your not being childish i agree with AndrewTemari101 why treat her nice if she treats u like trash. also this might be good for your mom cuz once she figures out that ur not talking to her because of how she is acting she might choose to change for not only for you but the ppl around her. also she yelled at u on your b-day thats not right.
  4. Lite The Future

    Jun 6, 2008
    Don't take this the wrong way, but if anyone is being childish, I'd have to say it's your mother. To ruin your child's day over something that, from the details of your post suggest, doesn't have anything to do with them is just stupid. I've been in situations like this before, and the silent treatment usually gets the one in the wrong to change their attitude. Like I said before, I mean no offense whatsoever, it's just how I feel. In short: No, you're not being childish.
  5. Sakura Angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 26, 2010
    though when I do somthing like this I hear later on that I am in the wrong. It gets confusing somtimes. and I feel kinda guilty because I dont feel bad that I am ignoring her and such

    I guess you guys are right. Though as i said up there I may be in the wrong and I feel guilty for not feeling bad.
    to be honest my mother is slef sentred enough not to care. I honstly think she wont change. She is only hurting now because it just happened. But I know later she wont care and wont dare try to change. I know how my mom is. She will use what I am doing just to get her more atention and men =/
  6. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    You're both being childish in your own way. Fair enough your mum started it with being moody and all, she should have realised that it was your birthday and should have focused on that and little else. However, by not talking to her you're not helping the situation either. In the end one of you needs to be the mature one. First tell yur mum why lure not happy and not talking to her, and that you made a fuss about herself on your birthday. Tell her it is selfish of you to think about yourself but it's justified on your birthday.
    Your going to just need to get past it and work for better in the future. Good luck with whatever you do.
  7. Scarred Nobody Where is the justice?

    May 14, 2007
    Right now, I don't think it really is that childish. She needs to understand that she hurt you. I know you say that she doesn't care, but she's your mother. I know the feeling, my dad acts the same way, and I hate the way he acts. Still, at the end of the day, he's my dad. And she's your mom. Right now, the two of you just need to cool off, so I think the silent treatment seems appropriate. However, don't let this go on for two long. I don't mean to sound morbid, but if this keeps going on, something's going to happen and you're going to be wishing that you can go back in time and take it all back.

    The only way that this would be childish is if it goes on for a few days. You have every right to be mad, but it's not healthy to be mad forever.
  8. Lite The Future

    Jun 6, 2008
    Well, then all I can say is to not let it get to you. If somebody's gonna be that way to their own child, then it's their own problem, not yours. Making it your own would only make things 2 times worse for both of you. I hope this helps, even a little, because I know from experience that it does help in the long run.
  9. Sakura Angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 26, 2010
    I have told her and I have talked to her about it. She tells me I am the one that is being selfish. Its hard to be the mature one when she never even tries to listen and make it like she is the victum. I want a good relationship with my mom but right now its to hard.

    I don't plan on being angry forever nor do I plan for this to go on more than a few days. I know I would regret it if I kept this going on for to long. Im just tired of how everything has to be about her and how she puts me down and such. After a while of dealing with this it gets harder. I know she is my mom and nothing will change that I do love my mom but I just want her to change and work things out for the better.
    I understand. And you all have helped so thank you<3. though right now I don't know what to do or how to handle this. If I try talking to my mom about it she wont listen and wont try to fix anything. I will only be hearing I am wrong and later on I will get introuble by my dad because my mom twists everything and dont tell me to try to convince my dad. I have tried no dice =/
  10. Heart ❤ Enjoy every moment with all ya got

    Mar 2, 2009
    This is totally not your fault and your not acting childish. Thats reallt selfish of your mom to check her Facebook on her daughters birthday to see if her boyfriend was on. Thats just plain wrong if you ask me
  11. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    The question isn't so much about whether you're wrong or not as it is about whether what your actions are going to help you get what you want. In this case, there are two things that you want.

    1. Her behaviour to reform.

    2. If 1. is impossible, then you wish to merely avoid further conflict.

    To bring about those two goals, plainly distancing yourself from your mother seems to be the best thing to do. For one, it clearly shows your displeasure in a passive demonstration. You can't be faulted for anything, because you're still doing as requested. Secondly, it means you don't talk to her. Two are required to have an argument. If you don't talk, conflict is avoided.

    I don't recommend needlessly antagonising her. That gives her justification to act against you, and makes you the villain. You're merely voicing your displeasure. Don't treat her like crap, or sink to her level. An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind, and doesn't help accomplish your goals.

    This guy has the right idea.

    If you don't think 1. is possible, then you need to decide whether distancing yourself from your mother is worth it. It'll reduce conflict in the future, if you don't care about her, and she can't betray your expectations if you don't have any. On the downside, you're pulling apart your relationship with your mother.
  12. KeybladeMasterJoe Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 24, 2010
    Ruling Over My Forest Kingdom
    no your not childish at all, and its really sad when a mother treats her daughter like that on her own birthday
  13. adamboy7 Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 3, 2010
    New Jersey
    Nope, I dont think your being childish. I think you may be doing the right thing by ignoring her. I would probably do the same. I think its a good thing that your not just sitting the and taking it. But at the same time its not the best thing to do. I think you two need to work it out in some way, shape, or form. If you just ignore her for the rest of your life, well, things wont get much better. Eventually things may die down a bit, but neather of you will think of the other the same way afterwards. So basicly, dont just sit there and take it, but dont go overboard, or you may regret it if you do. I hope it helps.
  14. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    I don't think it's childish at all.
    You are well within your rights to do so.
    I've not spoken to my aunt for months due to various reasons, so... yeah.

    Also, just wanna say that I love the Clannad Sig :D
    Clannad is one of my fave anime's of all time :D