(Actually, Tails is eight, so no, he isn't). As a character, Tails is similar to Blossom's 'Hero' persona. Although he's following behind Sonic more often than not, it's clear that he wants to be himself, his own hero, and wants to be recognized and praised like his idol. Take Sonic Adventure for example, when Tails saves the city from Eggman's missile and is rewarded by Station Square with the chaos emerald. He has the capacity to pull off his own adventure. So why doesn't he go off and attempt other things by himself? Well, quite simply he and Sonic are a team. When called for, Tails can stand on his own, but in dealing with a large-scale threat he realizes it's better if you don't fight alone. But it's almost as if he's trapped in just helping Sonic constantly. He IS his own person but feels like he's just 'Sonic's friend'. His theme songs are pretty clear about this. He wants to be recognized as an individual but doesn't really have the confidence to do it. Blossom's charismatic leadership and level-headed guidance could help Tails realize that even though he's part of a team, he's just as important as his friends. This confidence boost could spark into a desire to fight more of his own battles, and not to rely on Sonic as much, or be forced to stay in his friend's shadow. Equally, Blossom is a teacher, and the opportunity to help someone better themselves is one she wouldn't pass up. Besides, most of the best romances start with friendship. And both being children, there'd be nothing passionate, just perfectly innocent adorableness. They can be two geeks in love and be friends at the same time. So, there is SOME logic to my madness.
.......Whut peekter of Saunik? http://kaseykockroach.blogspot.com/2010/12/two-tailed-fox-mutant-and-artificially.html
This evil? No. That sort of thing wouldn't get you on Villain's Weekly. I mean I commit at least two world-shattering atrocities every day before lunch and still don't get mention before the sports section!
Wouldn't Tails be overshadowed by Blossom as well? Sonic does his best to support Tails, so I feel what he needs isn't a strong leader to show him the way, but someone weaker than him, who he needs to protect. In the example you gave, where he saved Station Square, he did that because there was no one else stronger than him to do the job. Only citizens of Station Square, all weaker than him. He had no choice but to take action. If Sonic or Blossom were there, then they would have taken on Robotnik themselves, as neither is the sort to stand by and let their friends risk getting hurt. Tails will always hide in a shadow if he can. He's happy that way. He'll only get out of it if the shadow isn't there. That only happens if no one else is around. Blossom will always overshadow him, because she can do everything just as well as him. She can fly and fight better than him. There's nothing he can do that she can't (with the possible exception of curling his tongue). Blossom has been shown to inspire inferiority complexes before, such as with Buttercup. So it's likely that she'd fill the place of Sonic, instead of inspiring Tails to protect her.