Video Alternate Openings

Discussion in 'Production Studio' started by DarknessKingdom, Feb 8, 2007.

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  1. DarknessKingdom The Kingpin of the TV

    Sep 30, 2006
    Recently, I've been pretty much slack with making AMV's lately. I can never seem to find the inspiration to completely finish one these days, even when I'm totally relaxed.

    So, I've just been doing a few Alternate Openings on whatever old footage of 'stuff' that I can find on my computer.

    Remember Us:

    Alternate Opening of YGO GX.


    Fusion Hurricane (I swear, I must have been on crack when I thought of this title):

    Another Alternate Opening of YGO GX.


    Blaze Of Symphonia:

    I must say, I am quite proud of this one, really.

    Alternate Opening of ToS (Tales of Symphonia)

    I'll update this whenever I post up another AU OP made from sheer boredom.
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