This fraking apocalyptic rain that's hit made the blow up Pooh bear in my front yard blow away. ;__; I worry for my Mailbox decorations, if anyone sees something that appears to be a gaudy bright UFO barreling through the sky please let me know.
Nuuuuu, leave Pooh bear alone! Goddamn weather in the Southeast, never ceases to torture its residents.
POOH BEAR D: I guess I'm not alone with a rainy Christmas D: It's been pretty bad where I am too but i live in an apartment so I need not to worry of decorations HERPDERP.
Pooh is face planted into the side door of my car at the moment....and Charlie brown just took Snoopy down into the boosh lights.. @Dina You will when my mailbox comes a hurdlin through in a bit, I cannot be held responsible for anything it may blind and/or destroy.