Alright, MY opinion on yaoi, shonen-ai, etc....

Discussion in 'Debate Corner' started by Tammylita, Jan 6, 2008.

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  1. Tammylita Destiny Islands Resident

    Mar 30, 2007
    I live in a pineapple under the sea...Wait.
    Okay. Apparently there's been a lot of flaming, arguing, and pointless ranting about a few very unconventional pairings in Kingdom Hearts.

    So here's what I think.

    We all know that SoraxKairi is hinted at, as well as NaminexRoxas in turn. But neither are ever explicitly made a plot point. Some fans could think of it as merely a very deep friendship, if they wanted to.

    And a lot of fangurls/fanbois, when it comes to yaoi or yuri, will argue that their particular choice of pairings are actually more romantic than an innocent friendliness, the very opposite.

    All could be thought of differently...and according to actually occurrences in the game, could be interpreted as being very real.

    And then it occurred to me that maybe they're ALL right. Maybe the game designers made every 'pairing' as broad and non-canon as possible so that fans could interpret it however they wanted. It'd make the game more marketable to teenagers or pre-teens, who are usually the main body of the yaoi/yuri fandom, and still okay for Disney. (No, I'm not saying all people in that age group are yaoi fans)

    I don't think they ever *intended* for yaoi to be part of that interpreting, but based on what seems to me to be serious fan-catering for KH2 (a whole Organization of pretty-boys, for instance, and that so-called 'Riku/Sora' scene near the end :P), they're ever so slightly moving toward what a lot of KH fans call improbable and impossible.

    I think it's genius, actually.

    And in case you were wondering, I'm indifferent to yaoi. I neither hate it nor love it.
  2. Blademaster Mai'kel Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 18, 2007
    My aleatorium
    That's possible. Maybe Square wanted us to interpret relationships any way we wanted.
  3. Sanda Kingdom Keeper

    Mar 29, 2007

    Oh I agree with you...
    And you know, regardless of whether or not characters are paired, people will ALWAYS have their little OTPs that they root for n_n~
  4. Repliku Chaser

    My thoughts are not meant to be offensive but fangurls and fanbois are very frustrating at times. When something is very clearly NOT yaoi or yuri intended, it just isn't. It's cute to read the stories and get a chuckle that some make up but when people actually start believing in the junk and it becomes 'canon' in their minds, it truly ruins things. There's nothing so wonderful as hearing some fangurl hopping around squeeing when all you have to type is 'RoxasxAxel' or 'SoraxRiku' or whatever and it's so for real to them.

    I have nothing against Yaoi and Yuri and have some anime with it or where it's hinted at and it doesn't bother me in the least. What does get on the nerves, as said, is the people that try to make up that something is that way just because they want it that way no matter what. It's also a thing to joke around about some movies with old guys in them and younger children and say there's 'something going on' but it's not cool if it is not even implied to just go on actually 'believing' it's true. That is really the only time I get irritated with it and wish it would kind of subside at times.

    People around here and other sites are always seemingly too afraid to say they are sick of the Yuri and Yaoi fangirls/fanbois forcing it down our throats when we -know- it's not true. They get jumped by people saying 'you don't respect our rights!' and 'just because you interpret it this way doesn't mean it's right!' etc. Well, I'm saying it because I really don't fear the repercussions. I've gotten bad rep for it before because people assume I am bashing on gay love etc. It's simply not true. I have nothing against it at all and even though I am straight I can sit through anything if it actually has a decent story and reason to it. A good tragic love story is just that. I love a good chuckle at some of the deviant art I see or other places that have yuri or yaoi suggestive stuff and some of the artwork is actually decent. Some of the stories make me laugh. Just really...I just don't like to feel that yuri and yaoi people have to PUSH so hard on others to get us to have to accept a reality that just isn't there in the first place and is at best -suggestive- while there is a lot more evidence to suggest something else.

    Some fanfics and yaoi/yuri things also pair up ANYONE at all. Let's take KH for example. What are the chances Ansem is boinking Riku? How about Lexaeus x Zexion? Well why not Larxene and Namine? How about Kairi and droves of Heartless? Aurora and Maleficent? Riku x Repliku, Axel x Marluxia etc. I have seen so many things people INSIST that this is hinted canon but yet it's just not happening. I also don't see Riku x Sora at all. I have nothing against people saying stuff but I just wish they'd stop being so darn pushy about it and then calling others names because they don't agree and hopping off somewhere else.
  5. Daydreamer

    Jan 29, 2007
    Los Angeles
    I personally, enjoy imagining relationships between Kingdom Hearts characters.

    It doesn't have to be boyxboy, girlxgirl, any romantic relationship between original KH characters are never clear or shown, unlike other characters like Belle and Beast. So I say there are no intimate relationships at all, even though I do not believe this.
    The only relationship I saw that was hinted was SoraxKairi, but other than that is purely imagination.
  6. Zandyne King's Apprentice

    May 8, 2007
    Where the sun is hella bright.
    In my opinion it's a matter of the who has better moderation, typically the people who are more open and not as die-hard serious tend to have the better rational. (I repeat, TYPICALLY.)

    But really, the most confirming and wise choice on Nomura's part regarding characters is that he states (well, I'm paraphrasing) that "fans are free to intepret it however they wish." In this regard I think the best way to handle encounters with those rabid fangirls/fanboys and their funny acryonmns is to just be the better man/woman and say nothing. You won't win by talking but rather by being silent, and that's the bigger win.

    (On a somewhat unrelated note I'm not picky about WHATEVER pairing it is as long at it is somehow worth the space it takes up, be it a crack/gag comic or a thoughtful "what if".)
  7. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau

    If you disagree then you are evil. <=(
  8. Nobody's Shadow Kingdom Keeper

    Jun 4, 2007
    In a room where it's nine in the afternoon.
    I pretty much agree with the OP. Also, I think it probably ups the fan base for the games by giving players such a wide variety of pairing possibilities to choose from. Since there really isn't any defined couples it allows fangirls and boys to pick the pairing that suits their personal preference best. And with the countless characters Kingdom Hearts has to select from it leaves many people very satisfied.
  9. Xaale Sylph of Hope

    Nov 22, 2007
    Land of Autumn and Angels
    Yeah, I think so, too.

    I like yaoi. I don't know why, but it's funny. I like XigDem, AkuRoku, AkuDem and RokuDem.
  10. 2Foxxie4U ~The Forgotten Crusader...~

    Oct 22, 2006
    The internet! Duh!
    I agree in every way possible. XD

    The only type of pairing I'd just flat-out say "HECK NU" as far as KH is concerned would be something like... say... XaldinxBeast.

    No. No, no, no.

    Do NOT go there. >.<;
  11. HOSPITAL STAT! i knock tits

    Jan 17, 2007
    Yeah, nice point here.


    Admittedly it does get really annoying when anyone vehemently tries to shove their belief on a pairing or views on another; this goes for BOTH those who support the gay pairings and those who strictly are against it. At first the head-butting was quite laughable but now it's just...just urgh.

    But like the topic creator stated, Kingdom Hearts is all subjective. There really is no point getting **** over someone else's interpretation on the matter.

    Personally I have never seen anyone debate on the pairings you listed as being canon, and I'm honestly pretty surprised. But from what I've seen and heard, a good portion of "the yaoi dosage"- the ones with the pairings that "don't make sense" - are not really done for the purpose of having canonical hints. A lot of the fanfic creators that I've either talked with or either read their interpretation, don't LITERALLY take them seriously from the game.

    From what I've seen a lot of them take interpretation on a whole new level, as in they have their own reasons for which they decided to pair so and so together. These reasons vary from having a laugh, making wank-material, "taking a go at testing how they'd interact", and so on and so forth.

    My 2 cents.
  12. Sanda Kingdom Keeper

    Mar 29, 2007
    What!? No BEAST-iality here? :'<

    Haha sorry I couldn't resist~

    I...smell...3 way.
    No but seriously, Xigbar+Demyx is so popular. No idea why??

    The line of cannon vs fannon is easily blurred these days. People will take anything out of context and treat it like it is a sign that two characters are soulmates.
  13. hangthesilver Destiny Islands Resident

    Jan 13, 2008
    Phoenix, Arizona
    Haha yea, I have no idea where XigbarxDem popped up but I think it's pretty funny lol.

    Hmm. I agree with basically everything said here. I mean, I'm a Yaoi shipper (Akuroku til the day I die lawlz) but I mean...I'd never try to force that upon someone. For me the fun in the series (at know, fanfiction/art/spectulation/theory-wise) is to make stuff up! :D I enjoy putting these characters in different scenarios and see what the hell pops out. To me there's no need at all to be cannon-- I mean, save the basic idea and whatnot. But I think the fun in it is to imagine things a little different and see what comes out.

    This come from a fanfiction writer's perspective, so basically what I mean is that... if I see an idea, I run crazy with it. Marluxia x Vexen? Well okay, Marluxia ordered Vexen killed... SO LET ME PUT THEM TOGETHER AND SEE WHAT THEY DO! So for me, it's taking just an idea... just a thought really...and going wild with it.

    I think I deviated MUCHLY from the OP's orignial point of this thread lol. Sorry! /tangent

    In any case, any type of person (for any reason, not just fandom-related things) who attempts to shove anything down my throat needs their teeth knocked in.
  14. The Twin My, what a strange duet

    Mar 30, 2007
    The Devil's Carnival
    Now, see, I'll read yaoi pairing fics because I enjoy the idea, but I'm never going to force it down someone's throat and chew them out if they feel otherwise. In my opinion, you like what you like, and for god's sake shut up if someone doesn't agree with you.

    I'm tired of flaming. Seriuously. Go onto DA and if a KHII pic of AxelXRoxas or SoraXRiku makes the front page, half the comments are pairing-thumpers and the other half are flamers that are tired of seeing the stuff. And maybe one or two that comment on the style, technique, etc.

    Now, myself, I'm a fan of AxelxRoxas, XigbarxDemyx, ZexionxDemyx, and usually it's the cutesy-fluff stuff ( no smut, kthx). And yes, there's some pairings that just downright throw me off ( KairixTifa, anyone), but I don't go flame them for it. I do a little thing called IGNORE IT. Doesn't take a lot of brain power to just not click on something, y'know.
  15. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    explain to me what yaoi is again? someone told me but i forgot -_-

    and i'm not sure this belongs in Intelligent Discussion
  16. Xendran Banned

    May 30, 2007
    Yaoi is fine with me as long as they dont stick to their pairings like a religeon.
  17. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    yehh... yaoi and yuri is w/e to me... i mean i :inlove: Tokyo Babylon... but when it comes to KH (and sometimes other animes/games), its totally fine that ppl make up lil storis and fantasies.. but for goodness sake WHAT IS THE POINT IN FIGHING OVER THEM. everyone has their own opinions... well... let em have it. this world doesnt just live on ONE idea/thought or w/e... its all point of view ppl...

    but i honestly cannot see anything like that in KH.. i really cant... all i see is the deep friendship between Riku and Sora and the hinted (tho i clearly remember the scence when roxas was falling off the building in twilight town and he connected w/ kairi's heart and he recognized her as the "girl he likes") love between sora and kairi. well namine and roxas... i cant really say its love cuz they barely even knew each other.. well namine might have known him from b4.. but they'd just met and then they merged w/ their originals.. well i mean they could love eachother cuz they are the nobodies of sora and kairi..... well w/e i digress.... my point is that all i see in this game is friendship and love between ppl.
    mehh... if ppl continues to make yaoi stories its ok too... i can say that sometimes i enjoy reading them... and sometimes they are just hilarious... its ok....

    and i also agree w/ Tammylita. maybe SE wanted us to interpert our own story.... u never know...

    its BOY x BOY... like
    sora X riku
    riku X axel

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