Alphonse's Story Chapter 1: Begining

Discussion in 'Archives' started by keybladeofdarkness4, Sep 6, 2008.

  1. keybladeofdarkness4 Twilight Town Denizen

    Alphonse's Story: Beginning

    The playground was littered with the crunchy autumn leaves. All the children where happily enjoying themselves, all except one, A young boy, wearing a large black cloak The boy was obviously not human, he had long, dark blue, hair, and half his body was covered in deep azure scales, protruding from the back of the cloak, a reptilian tail could be seen. The boy looked at all the other children with envy, and then he slowly stood up. One of the children on the playground noticed the boy, and soon enough, they were all swarming towards him, carrying what looked like rocks. "See! I told you guys it was a fiend!" said the child at the front of the group. "We gotta get it away from the village!" All the children began throwing the rocks at the boy, and the boy stood there, blocking the rocks with his arms. Eventually, the boy could not take anymore hits, and the children still had plenty of rocks. "Would you people stop it already!? He isn't a fiend!" A girl made her way to the front of the crowd and looked at all the kids. The children began whispering among themselves, “Isn’t that her?†one of the kids said and then another one whispered “I heard that the last time someone didn’t listen to her, she…†The girl looked at them and folded her arms “Well?†The kids dropped the rocks and the crowd dissipated quickly. The girl looked over to the boy, “Hey are you all right?†She said and the boy nodded “What’s your name?†She asked gently
    “Alphonse†The boy replied “yours?â€
    “Cecilia†She said
    “What do you want from me?†Alphonse asked “Are you going to try and kill me yourself?â€
    “That’s no way to treat a friend!†She said to him
    “Friend?†Alphonse asked in a puzzled way
    Cecilia nodded with a smile as she walked away.
    Alphonse stayed on the grounds of the school until the bell rang at three. Then he headed to the forest path at the back of the campus. As he walked through the forest, he heard noises in nearby bushes. He bared his claws, reading an attack. “Whoa there tiger, it’s just me!†Cecilia said walking out of the bush.
    “Why were you following me!?†Alphonse demanded
    “I wanted to see where you live.†Cecilia said “I don’t know if you live in town or not, I mean, those kids thought you were a fiend right?â€
    “I do live in town, but I get home by going through the Forbidden Forest.†He replied
    “But isn’t that path filled with fiends!?†Cecilia said worriedly
    Alphonse showed her his claws. “Oh yeah…†she said “Almost forgot.â€
    “Well I’d best be off†Alphonse said “Stay out of trouble†He gave a faint smile as his wings emerged from the cloak, and he flew away, deeper into the forest.

    So what do you guy thnk? should i post the other chapters?