Alcohol and knowing when to stop?

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Peace and War, Sep 22, 2009.

  1. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    Recently the group of friends I hang around with at school have just had a split down the seams. It goes that Guy A who goes out with GIRL A, messed around sexually with Girl B who goes out With Guy B. Apparently Guy A and Girl B were drunk and playing around when things got a little too far, and Girl B says that she sked him to stop but Guy A couldn't take the hint and kept going. Suddenly more rumors are spreading and the whole thing seems like hell for my group of friends. We HAVE to take sides, and support the others in their time of need.
    Basically these two people messing around were stupid and irresponsible. Guy B feels guilty that he let anything happen to Girl B, whilst Girl A is crying all the time and confused since it's not the first time he's done this to her.

    All because of Alcohol all of theirs friends are being turned against onr another because of a stupid act. I wish I could just say that they should limit their alcohol and get responsible with each other for once. The worse thing is they probably won't learn their lessons and just keep this up for ages.

    Have you ever been in a situatino where you or a friend had too much and something bad happened from it? DO people really know when to stop? Should alcohol be banned?

  2. the muffin man Banned

    Jun 16, 2007
    Drury lane.MUFFIN MAN! DUUH!
    Dear Abby,

    I acknoledge your situation and I am aware of your problem. But a Kingdom Hearts video game forum with a spam zone is not the place to discuss this.
    I hope you sort out your difficulties and overcome this obstacle.

    Desperate Guy F
  3. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    Firstly, drunk or not your friends shouldn't have been messing around when they both have partners already. Alcohol is a convenient excuse.

    Secondly, I don't think that alcohol should be banned as such, I just think that people need to be made more aware of the effects and dangers surrounding it.

    Some people drink responsibly and nothing happens to them so why should they be affected and held back because of the idiots who can't?

    I have had friends who drank too much and got into trouble including being arrested and in accidents. I myself have nearly died before after dinking too much one (passing out and throwing up you insides plus giving yourself mild concussion is not nice kids).

    I learnt my lesson, my friends learnt theirs. It is a hard lesson to learn but they will learn it eventually. Their is a reason why people say Moderation is Key.

    I hope the issues with your friendship get sorted soon, the best advice I can give you there is to step back from it and don't let yourself get pulled into the arguments.
  4. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    People choose to drink alcohol. If they choose to drink alcohol in the first place then they should also realise that they have to deal with the consequences of drinking alcohol. Alcohol should not be banned just because some people are idiots. It is the minority that cannot handle the effects of alcohol (or cannot handle the amount that they drink). They are the ones that should be punished/helped.

    The wider population who manage their drinking quite well should not have to face the consequences of the actions of those those who don't have enough self control.

    After typing all of that I have realised that CtR has said basically the same thing, but the point still stands.

    (I have also had to deal with the consequences of drinking too much. I tried to kill myself one time because of what I did while drinking. That was not a happy time in my life but I have learned from my mistakes)
  5. Snow Princess King's Apprentice

    Jun 13, 2008
    Anywhere but here.
    haha well this is an interesting topic to put up here XD well every situation ive been in ive made sure im with good friends that have drank a lot in the past and know what theyre doing. you need a guide like that if youre planning to party otherwise youll end of sobbing, wrapped around the toilet, wishing you would rip out your stomach so youll stop throwing up :D
  6. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    Just to state, I wasn't at this incident when it happened. I'm not much of a party guy when I know it involves alcohol, which most of my friends feel is a necessary thing when we go out together. I do wish I was there now, this has really upset a lot of people, and made me clearly want to stay away from the booze.

    Thats one of the things I can't understand about young aged alcohol drinkers, they think that a party NEEDS alcohol. I mean fair enough if you get a little tipsy, a bit foot-loosed and peopel are fun and up for a good time, but I know alot of people who drink and just turn all quite and depressed who cry alot, talking about suicide. Thats not fun, or even just letting a little loose. Yet still they persist on the requirement of booze and buying it in the loads.
    The number of times sexual acts occured when drunk surprised me until I was in the thick of it. I thought that the statistics and movie representations where just exaggerating the influens it has, but damn... alcohl poisons the mind and body.

    Thanks for the support to people, appreciated! :)
  7. childofturin Why?

    Dec 4, 2008
    On the Discussion Forum
    If it gets that bad, it's probably time to stop. Now, even though I'm 21, I have never drank before, but if I did, I would do so cautiously and in moderation, until I found my tolerances. I mean, I never want to get so drunk I can't remember it in the morning, for instance, or do something so half-assed stupid like you described. I'm bad enough at socializing when I'm sober, for god's sake.
  8. Johnny Stooge Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 5, 2009
    alcohol is the sweet, sweet nectar of the gods. i was 15 when i was first got shitfaced, and i've been getting drunk at parties every since. i've never learnt when to stop, so i usually just keep drinking and drinking until i blackout.
    one time i blacked out and ended up breaking into the local school pool and went skinny dipping. then walked home.
    i don't remember any of it. ****ing awesome.

    probably the worst time was when i went to a party and drank a bag of $10 cask wine. **** tasted aweful, but it does the trick. anyway, i drank the whole 33 standard drinks in the bag and then woke up in my bed. got no idea how i got home, but the party was 2 suburbs away. does sound sick or what?

    now i'm 18 i can drink whenever i want. i love it. i'll take a good night over a bad morning anyday.
    alcohol is great kiddies, and the sooner you drink the better.
    you're not cool until you do.

    EDIT: stopping is for PUSSIES.
  9. tSG1 Chaser

    Jul 8, 2008
    To some extent, if they could help stop the spread of alcohol, it would help. However, this is most definely not possible, as seen with prohibtion (from 1920's in America) which I am concidently doing :lolface:

    I don't think anybody will know when to stop.
  10. TheMagicalMisterMistoffelees Professional Crazy

    Aug 5, 2008
    The other side of the monitor
    Alcohol is bad and they should feel bad

    But in all seriousness, there is a point where things have gone to far, and it seems to me like that point passed WAAAAY before this happened, and possibly wasn't even entirely the alcohol. Possibly your friends are also a bit to blame? And I quote and quote again;

    No alcohol should not be banned. But there should be limits as to what certain people with certain mentalities and controls over impulses can consume in intoxicants.
  11. The Fuk? Dead

    Jul 2, 2008
    Alcohol isn't bad, but the over-consumption is. Too much of anything can be bad. (That's an expression, don't be a smart-ass and say something to off-set it.) Getting drunk at your house every once in a while is fine. But drinking and driving, and throwing up in a bus isn't good. Do whatever you want, but when most things like this become "bad", is when it affects others negatively. Such as, losing friendships, as you stated.
  12. childofturin Why?

    Dec 4, 2008
    On the Discussion Forum
    Actually, that's entirely true. Nutmeg can kill you in extremely large doses. Even air can kill, at the right pressure.
  13. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    An excess of water can cause you to die. Water poisoning occurs when you consume so much water in such a short space of time that your brain swells up and you die.
  14. Johnny Stooge Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 5, 2009
    **** yeah, man. the other week i got drunk at a mates house and threw up in the bed. i blacked out 3 hours prior to this and didn't know what the **** had happened until i woke up the next morning.

    good night.
  15. tSG1 Chaser

    Jul 8, 2008
    I think actually the water diffuses into the invidual cells, and water can't go out (not really sure why, our teacher wasn't clear) and then the cell(s) burst and die.
  16. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    So, let me get this straight.
    A good time is when you are trespassing, passing out, blacking out, throwing up, having a lack of taste, morals, memory or even self control? The answer to your life is to forget all about it? and you think that it would be better if other people followed the same standard?
    And your a pussy otherwise?
    Please tell me your making this up.
  17. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    Everyone is different, as is everyone's idea of a good time.

    As for alcohol (and most things) it is great in moderation. It's your job to decide how much is too much.
  18. Repliku Chaser

    I would say that you are blaming alcohol too much and not the people themselves for being stupid. Alcohol loosens up inhibitions but people already generally have some compulsions to doing things regularly, that they may hold back but are still there. The alcohol makes impulse choices more likely and if someone is thinking selfish, stupid, sexual, dangerous, etc impulse things, with alcohol dimming the sense of conscience, well.. yeah, stuff can happen.

    The thing to do is to get used to what alcohol can do so you are more responsible when you do imbibe it. I have done my share of silly things on it (and off alcohol cuz I'm a funny person or something) but I always remember and know I am allowing myself to do it. People really can't just use alcohol as a reason behind actions they do or they are drinking for the wrong reasons. Maybe they want to use it for 'escapism' and such so they try hard to forget and claim they don't remember crap, and just do asshat things to other people because it's an 'excuse-. It's one of the reasons I think drinking and driving accidents should not be seen as 'involuntary' manslaughter but instead 'manslaughter' or even 'murder'. People know better than to do the deed yet they are selfish pricks so eh, I'd rather the book be thrown at them.

    As for people that party hardy and such.. quite a few people go through that stage and some people are more harmful than others doing so. Most people outgrow it as they have more responsibilities as they grow older and also the body changes. Best thing to do is to avoid the harmful ones and be responsible yourself. Some people love to abuse things but in time again, they can and most likely will change and learn to drink more responsibly. They will brag etc but eh, different people enjoy different things. It's not more 'mature' or cool to get drunk off your gourd. It's just another phase some people choose to do for social relations.

    In the end, if the girl who is claiming the guy did not stop and he's done this before to her.. yeah, she needs to first off stop hanging around that guy and sounds like she needs some counseling and help of some sort. She's the one I would worry about most and the others .. Also, the other girl needs to dump the idiot. They all need to realize that alcohol is -not- an excuse that is viable and they are still responsible for what they do. If they want to get drunk, fine, but no one should go hurting someone else because they are drunk. The guy has no reason he cannot understand the word 'no', whether drunk or sober, other than the fact he does not want to hear it so he chooses to ignore it. He obviously doesn't give a real crap about the other girl either. That's my thought on it anyway. Alcohol shouldn't be illegal because some ******s want to try to use it as a way to get out of trouble. The ******s who try that should be in trouble.
  19. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Trespassing: Sure. Adrenaline is great. So provided you don't get caught...
    Passing out: Well it gets you home in one piece, provided your friends are still conscious.
    Blacking out: How is this different to the above?
    Throwing up: Well it feels a hell of a lot worse not throwing up. Ever been sick and wanted to throw up? Don't you feel better about throwing up?
    Lack of taste: Great. All the random crap you're bound to eat doesn't taste as bad.
    Lack of morals: Morals weigh us down. Having a night without them can be fun, provided you don't remember. Which brings us to the next point.
    Lack of memory: You don't remember all the stupid things you did, but you still get the experience of enjoying doing those stupid things.
    Self control: Nothing promote brotherhood and friendship like being in a brawl with your friends by your side.

    Well the majority of life sucks or is boring, so forgetting everything is better than remembering it all.

    Now everyone following those standards could make life a little hectic, so no.

    [highlight]DISCLAIMER: The above post is purely intended for comic relief and should not be taken as fact.[/highlight]
  20. Crumpet In your shadow, I can shine!

    Jun 28, 2007
    This topic is one of the reasons why I DON'T want to turn 18 and be legal. I'm sure that I'm so paranoid that I know when to stop, but I don't want anyone I'm close to to go through what you're friends went through. I'm a senior in high school and already four girls in my grade have gotten pregnant because of alcohol. So they are 17 year-old mothers.